Do you have faction pride?

I have no more faction pride.

Blizz really messed up the Alliance this expac tbh. Not counting Kul Tiras because weren’t part of the Alliance then.

They are making smart Alliance characters stupid.

They have made good characters suffer through bad and lazy writing (coughing Tyrande*)

The awesome Alliance I knew is gone, heck I will even say that the Alliance’s identity is now gone. It’s hard to recognize the Alliance anymore


Sylvanas is my pride.

Long live THE QUEEN!



But you’re a paladin, Paladins hate undead


All factions are inferior to Sylvanas.

Dark lady watch over us. :purple_heart:


Evil Demon Hunters confirmed

I think of it more as ‘banshee pride’

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Better run from the Emo Hunter then

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Have you all accepted Scrollsage Nola into your heart as your Lord and Savoir?


Death knights?

Tyrande has never really been relevant.

This is just another ‘You ruined Tyrande’ thread.


No those are metal knights

My brain is fully functional, so no, I don’t feel faction pride.


No, more like, they ruined the Alliance thread. Honestly It’s hard to recognize the Alliance anymore. Most of our values are being destroyed by Anduin and do things that we shouldn’t be doing, like always saving the Horde


Play Horde or quit?

You do recognize that none of your ten thousand threads are going to change anything whatsoever, right?


Factions don’t make sense anymore to have pride in them.

Dwarf politics were influenced by humans.
Night Elves had their city burned, zero response.
Theramore was under seige and best alliance could do was like… three dwarves.

Sylvanas sent out an ambassador to the humans. They didn’t respond. But they gladly accept the werewolf people? Ok?

Factions make no sense at this point. Only reason the Tauren don’t kill every single Forsaken is that they know that if it was a Tauren/Forsaken/Human in the room, the Forsaken would team up with them to kill the human first because it’s been that way forever now.

No point in faction pride anymore. Everyone hates each other but you can’t get rid of them because being with them is being better than being alone. Horde didn’t use to hate each other. They had an “I got your back if you got mine because alone we’re toast.” Now it’s “I will murder you after we’re done murdering the alliance.”


Why would I play Horde if it feels wrong?

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You’re right. That’s why I stick to myself.

Nobody bests the Viking Dwarf.

I don’t have faction pride because they aren’t real and I’d like to have pride in something that actually affects me.

I don’t think of my character as part of the alliance. I think of her like a mercenary that is getting paid for work from the alliance.

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Why would you play Alliance if it’s ‘ruined’?

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