Do you have a goal list for the summer before 9.0?

I am trying to set some goals for myself to make the summer in WoW fun. Do you guys have any ideas? For example:

  1. Are there any achievements you are going after with cool rewards that I might not know about?
  2. Any old factions to grind up with fun rewards (e.g. i like the Lorewalker mount)?
  3. Any old transmogs to farm?
  4. PvP reward goals?
  5. Crafting?

Thanks for sharing any of your goals for the summer :slight_smile:

With the upcoming level squish, it might become more challenging to farm older dungeon and raid zones for transmogs. I highly recommend “Monar’s Wardrobe Helper” Addon because it will tell you what drops you still don’t have. (I don’t have the forum level clearance to add a link, sowwy.)

As for PvP, I would suggest goals that are time-sensitive. For example, completing the “Tour of Duty” achievements in BfA results in a “Conqueror of Azeroth” title. I had most of them done before my sub ran out and I did not resubscribe for some time. When I returned, it was harder (not impossible though) to find groups doing the active invasions because most players had moved on to the newer zones such as Mechagon and Nazajatar (and now Uldum and the Vale). So when Shadowlands comes out, it’ll be harder to find players to kill in BfA. Does that make sense?

Thank you! I did not know about Monar’s add on - perfect :slight_smile:

I hadn’t especially thought about it I guess. The only thing I’m actively working on is having one of each class at max level so I’m ready to switch mains if something different catches my eye. If I get around to it I might even try to get one of each class on each faction this time around too.

Other than that I’m always on the (seemingly) endless grind for mounts, and have just been trying to keep my main’s guild active through the 8.3 slump so we’re in prime shape for SL launch.

Just so you’re aware, even if your trust level isn’t high enough to post direct links, you can still format them like this: by adding a ` on either side of the link, and it will allow you to post it. :slight_smile:

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All right!! Thanks! =D

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I’ve been working on a character that is going through all of the old content (mostly) in order. (Since I leveled her to 120 during Korraks, the BfA starter quests mess up phasing on some of the early expansion starter quests, so I did do those and unlocked essences on her.)

The hope is that I can get through BfA before Shadowlands drops.

I should be finishing up Mists within the next few days, and I’ve already decided to move onto Legion after doing the WoD leveling content without doing the WoD weekly campaign quests. I’m not going to wait 10+ weeks of 20 minutes per week content. There wasn’t much there anyhow. I’m so glad Legion lets you just run through the Insurrection and Broken Shore campaigns without waiting out the original timegating.

So, that’s my main focus right now. Unless they ruin all of the druid specs for Shadowlands, that character will likely become my main going forward.

Thanks guys.

I took a big break from WoW once and I completely skipped Cata and Draenor. I have no alts so I have never seen it. Maybe it would be fun to run that content with my 120. It will not be a challenge but I’d love to see the story, build a garrison, etc.

I also need to look up mount and pet farming. I know of a lot of mounts that have a 1% drop rate and that seems like a waste of time to me - I do not think I want to run ICC 100 times even thought I love that mount :slight_smile:

Great ideas - thanks guys.

As far as mounts go, here’s a good list of mounts that are dropped from bosses. It’s broken into daily, weekly, and farmable tabs, so click through and take a look if you want.

As you said, some have extremely low drop rates, so it can definitely seem a bit overwhelming on the face of it. But what I’ve always done (and seems to keep my sanity in check), is just to target a few at a time. Currently I have 7 on my list that I’m actively farming. I then just take a few hours a week, usually on a Sunday evening, and go through my runs to get them. If I get one, Great! I then just add a new one to my “active” list moving forward.

Some other benefits of mount runs include random pet drops, transmogs, and a few thousand raw gold per run.

Of course if it’s not your thing, it’s not your thing. Just sharing a couple tips of how I go about it. :slight_smile:

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