Do you find shadow priest animation unpleasant?

Do you find shadow priest animation dull compared to other casters like mage, warlock, druid and shaman?

  1. Mindflay looks very bad
  2. Void eruption looks decent
  3. Void bolt looks very bad
  4. Shadowform looks horrid
  5. Void torrent looks very bad
  6. Mind blast looks quite bad
  7. Shadow apparitions looks good (The only one)
  8. Devouring plague, shadow word pain and Vampiric touch are non-existent
  9. Shadow mend looks horrid

Yes. I think It has the worst animations and spell effects in the game.

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I like mind flay, the rest are meh.

I care more about the racial casting animations that have been basically deleted for the sake of making classes unique with “epic” floaty casting animations. I just want my basic racial animations back and if I could turn the new ones off I would do it in a heartbeat.


I really miss mind spike

I’m not a fan of the tentacles. Shadowform is pointless, it would make more sense if going in to Shadowform was our big CD rather than “Voidform”. Either that or give Shadowform an effect that we might want to toggle on/off. Like a lesser Fade or Darkness effect.

I do love Shadowy Apparitions, but otherwise our spell aesthetics are lakcluster. Our AoE in particular has virtually no visible animations. DP name, effect, and animation don’t seem to have ever met one another. :-/


The purple fart form aka Shadowform is revolting

This right here! I am so glad I’m not the only one. I just didn’t like it when they homogenized the casting animations across all races to look the same. I get that the new models have the new skeleton, but I really wish they still had the old racial animations back.


Would love to see Cast Animations be customizable in a similar way many other things are customizable via the barber shop. Character casting animations do not have to abide by the same rules and restrictions that spells need to adhere to (i.e readability, distinctiveness, particle clutter, etc) so there is not much of a reason this can’t happen in the future. It’s just up to blizzard whether or not they perceive such customization options to be worth the development time.

Ooh, I just long for the day I can play my blood elf and use the Human Female casting animations. The amount of gold I spend on deviate delight just to use those animations is astounding.

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My absolute favorite was always the male UD casting animations. I would say the female BE and NE would be my second favorite. There are a few I never cared for myself. I would love to see more options for character customization.

I am constantly fishing deviate delight and using my night elf transformation toys. I spend more time transformed into alliance races than as an actual blood elf. If nightborne female looked as much like night elves as void elf females look like blood elves I would just play that instead. They really dropped the ball with Nightborne in more ways than one. As well done as Suramar was and as cool as most Nightborne were you’d think they would’ve put even an eight of that effort into the playable race. Oof.

I like blood elf casting animations but I much prefer nelf and human female. I like blood elf healing animations more than damage animations but since the change in Legion most of them have been homogenized across the races so I barely get to see them.

I’d play goblin if I felt like spending the 20 bucks to be optimal. I actually like the male goblins despite armor being hard to see on them.