Do you feel sorry for Survival hunters?

I still feel sorry for those that lost their favorite spec in Legion. We had enough melee specs, did we really need another one. I have very little sympathy for current SV players who believe that SV is what it is now and there should be no return of RSV regardless of what is proposed.


Survival means lets go melee ? Lets give up our greatest advantage and our greatest boon of moving dps at a range and go in melee heads deep.

The entire spec is a joke. :rofl:


Ferals have same problem because… Balance

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Survival is a good spec, anyone that says survival is bad don’t know what they’re talking about.


yes i feel sorry for all hunter specs they completely suck from what they once was. i always had one mm or suervival back in the day when they better to raid member that belt duty we had in soo and add duty on garrosh i got stuck with always hunters did all the dirty work and stole all the good loot cant stand none of 3 specs nowadays.

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I’d be very interested to learn how your SV hunter is using an exotic pet. :thinking:


All the 2.4k+ RIO survival hunters disagree with this thread.

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rating dont matter when the spec sucks to play which is pretty evident with so few it amazes me how many players play garbage they dont even like just cause fotm or whatever for awhile.

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They are mixed melee, mostly melee but still good. The bombs feel good with the legendary. If only it had a duel-wielding spec like rangers had. If Aspect of the Eagle allowed you to auto-attack that would be a good for them. Currently they are one of the most fun specs I play in shadowlands.

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It’s more so that the other specs are way easier to play since they don’t require you to be in melee. Like BM is very easy to play, good for beginners. SV requires a bit more management. As you have to manage melee mechanics, on top of the pet stuff, and traps.


back again?


Well I have it on my first try so obviously it’s dropping

My hunter is also in survival though I switch around between BM and survival

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Nah, I feel sorry for the people too dumb to know how amazing Surv is in M+, especially during fort weeks.


People know that MSV is good at uncapped AoE.

People just don’t like playing MSV. It’s really that simple.

(Also: lots of bad blood between ranged Hunters and MSV players because… yeah. Blizzard dun goofed.)


Fully agree here, MM during Wrath and Cata was awesome, SV became great, at least IMO in Cata when they added Cobra Shot and solved the annoyance of having to constantly track Serpent Sting. MM had Chimera Shot, I mean the real one which refreshed Serpent Sting. Then Blizz decided that each spec should have a specific fantasy and destroyed them all. I would say only BM survived as the least damaged, and even that may be a stretch.


Ranges survival was more fun IMO. It was rarely the dominant spec, MM has prob had the most success universally so far. However, exploding arrows Bro!!!

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I’m guilty of playing a ranged Survival Hunter in Classic LOL


Ranged surv was AMAZING. It was its own unique thing, did good numbers, and was very mobile.

Msv, on the other hand, suffers from being melee, leans heavily on its leggos, and is horrible in ST situations.

I often run msv in keys with guildies because we need a lust and I don’t want to be bothered with having to call/dismiss a pet in combat. The ONLY thing that makes msv viable is the cluster bomb leggo. If it wasn’t for it, the spec would be bottom of the garbage barrel bad.
ST msv build is just bad bc you have to take apparatus leggo and must manage cds on 3 different traps as well. Its a horrible playstyle.

BM is ok in keys, but has a much lower ceiling than msv. MM is still the way to go. Good burst aoe, good st, good sustained aoe, and ranged. The only thing is that if there is only 2 targets, outside of volley/ES, there is no cleave with trick shots.

With the aoe changes in .5, hunters will only slide down the dps meters. Blizz hasn’t increased Trick Shots cap, msv’s aoe was already uncapped and barely keeps up, and with bm’s low ceiling, hunter isn’t going to get any better. All they did was basically uncap multishot, which does almost no dmg. It’s the beast cleave and trick shots that does all the dmg. With msv, carve does little to no dmg and its only used in aoe to lower the cd on bombs, which, even they don’t do all that much dmg, it’s cluster bomb leggo that does the dmg.


Which has nothing to do with the topic.

And people don’t know how good it is or they wouldn’t usually get turned down for keys which is to do with the topic.

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Not really. It’s still fun but only with WFI. I don’t think I’ll go out of my way to play it because Marks is stronger and I like it more. And I don’t want to have to make another legendary right now.

It’s kind of like Arms with a pet and traps, which is why I personally still enjoy it. But it’s very unpopular, so unpopular that I was able to get 45th survival hunter in the world last xpac lol