It’s more a weird hodge podge of the vampire castle in skyrim and revendreth
I love my dreams. I wake up feeling good. Sometimes I want to go back to sleep to continue the dream. Going the start writing them down and see if there is a pattern. Dreams are a wonderful thing. Hard to explain
I’m talking about the size!
I would like nothing more than to see the Ultimate Gothic Castle that expands Infinitely!
D&D’s Deep Wilds Plane has a Blood Sea Layer(Layers are individual Infinitely large Worlds within the Planes). One would hope that the “Belief Shapes the Planes” rule makes the Blood Sea of Deep Wilds an Infinite Revendreth-Castlevania Hybrid(complete with Gardens) resting atop an endless Sea of Blood that overlaps with and leads into Shadowfell’s Castle Ravenloft!
While I’m at it I want the Deep Wilds(which also holds the Winter Queen’s Realm which due to the Winter Queen reminds me of Ardenweald)) to become a better version of Shadowlands complete with it’s own Infinitely large versions of Bastion, Maldraxxus, Ardenweald(leading into the Gates of the Moon and Feywild), Revendreth(leading into Shadowfell’s Ravenloft), Tazavesh, the Maw(leading into Tartarus), Korthia and Zereth Mortis(leading into Mechanus)!
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