Do we really need the soul binds?

Ah yes, the fallback but this is spam thread. Means you have nothing. The only thing that says is this is an issue for a lot of people.

When have I had to plug my ears? You haven’t said anything beyond crying buzzword. There’s literally nothing from you to plug my ears too.

Anyway mr troll, I have to get back to work. Our little back and forth here has been fun and cathartic. Talk to you later.

Claiming systems bloat isn’t currently a buzzphrase while sitting in one of the 20 threads on the subject with no constructive feedback. The only point just to literally complain about the existence of said systems.

It’s amazing. Have fun during your mickie d’s shift.

Ok, back.

Ok then, let me ask you an honest question Magicnatty. What do you consider constructive feedback?

it would be better if we could level up different covenants and switch between them.

it goes against the blizzard mentality of turn everything into a linear rigid grind though

No. We don’t. It’s another system. Another stupid tree of abilities that the game would be healthier without.

with out it there isn’t enough things to offset the power imbalance.
I think the plan is to create so many systems that they cancel each other out. only problem is, players are players. they will find the few obscure connections that stack into the realm of over powered. and because everything would be tied to so many systems nerfing one would cause a chain reaction that nerfs other classes and specs creating the same power gap % only instead if some going over by a lot it pushes others below by a lot.

but lets wait and see what it looks like when beta comes out next week

I said what would work better at the start

I have no idea what the point of you is, you’re a waste of effort

I’m alright with passive buffs, and would actually be fine with seeing more of them.

I’m not alright with yet another, “oh, and yes, this is going to go away once this expansion is over” styled, carnival goldfish lifespan system.

I want actual growth and development for my characters. Talents. Abilities. An actual expansion to my character’s repertoire, not some meaningless side nonsense the devs can crumple up and throw away like it never happened once the expansion is done. If that means all passive bonuses, or, even better, upgrades/replacements to existing abilities, I’m all for that.

if they keep baking them into classes we will eventually end up , and rather quickly , with way too many abilities and they will have to prune again . Borrowed power is by far the best system, we know we only have them for this expansion .

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Right. If a feature of borrowed power is really fun, we can prune a less-fun element of the class and introduce that borrowed power feature as a core talent or as a baseline feature. If we just add abilities to the game with the expectation they will be there forever, it is hard to prune them later when they generate a lot of bloat. Borrowed power allows vast experimentation of class identities with no expectation that this will be a permanent playstyle change.

I do agree with this, that’s why I always found class sets fun

However I believe the current implementation of them has been pretty bad

I don’t mind it to a lesser extent

That being said as far as I can tell the soul binds are pretty tame and I haven’t seen what the legendary does but just the combination of all 3 seems like it’s getting into that over the top state again

My biggest gripe with it, is that there are spec specific ones. I don’t want to feel like I’m pressured into staying in one spec again (Azerite gear). Even if you can remove them for a nominal fee, I still don’t like the idea.

I completely agree with this

I liked the essences better than the aperture because it did the same thing over every spec

Well until today, having a Cheat Death would be “too much”. Imagine trying to balance content around the fact that probably half or more of the raid would have that.

I will ignore the jab but you should be more careful, I have been silenced for less than that.

I wish it was more like classic

You’re in luck, Blizzard has official classic wow servers!

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:upside_down_face: :thinking:

You’ve hit on the biggest problem here. The team is going to spend all of their time trying to balance these systems instead of working on other things like the classes themselves.

I just mean like a more modern classic experience. Make it harder to quest, etc. There’s no more sense of danger anymore. We need to be a bit more squishy. Make it where you need to group up to do thing. Mythic + is complete cancer though. Lazy affixes to make the dungeon harder? If anything just up boss health and all damage by a huge margin. Lava, necrotic, quaking, etc. are just stupid. This feels very diabloish and not in a good way.

I agree with you OP, I couldn’t believe just how many different systems got rattled off yesterday. I’m not a fan of a huge weekly chore list and this just seems like it’ll be adding to that, in addition to all of the balancing complexity.

My opinion is that a class should just work based on your gear and talent choices. Anything else should just complement your character, offer options for different builds, etc.

And you’re right, there is a ton of pressure to make the “right” choice just based on the abilities, which just causes more frustration than anything.