Do something about people fly hacking?

They won’t post to these and give them credibility, plausible deniability

“I know this is a popular and fairly trite quip to throw out, but to be clear… Activision has zero to do with the development of Blizzard games. Blizzard Entertainment is a subsidiary of Activision Blizzard, but has little else to do with the running of the company. Our Developers determine the content of our games.”

“Our Developers determine the content of our games.”

so…like all 1 of them, or 2 of them?

I literally told you how.

Looking through chat logs? Who’s gonna read all that? An automated system for anyone who says “bot?” It’s an idea but doesn’t seem practical. They don’t have people on the ground only automated systems.

The actual name is Activision Blizzard. The old Blizzard as we knew it DOES NOT exist any longer. They don’t hold the purse strings or determine the budget. It was Bobby Kotick who decided to lay off 800 employees and that includes the employees associated with WoW, Diablo, HOTS and so on.

No, Bobby doesn’t tell developers to make Paladin armor a little greener or how to tune a boss in Naxx. But he and the others sitting on the board DO determine where and how much money goes to different departments and how many employees each department needs.

That’s on them.

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They used to get an approximate time, player name, and pull up chat logs. They could also view a player’s actions.

It’s not magic.

GM’s have the tools to see EVERYTHING going on in the game. But you somehow think it’s more effective to read (or not) a player report 2 weeks later and then “investigate?”

When is the last time someone saw or heard from an actual GM? Meanwhile the chat logs on piling on with no end in sight. Chat doesn’t stop and I’m sure most illegal activity is on our best friend called Discord.

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Idk, meanwhile there are 30 unguilded hunters in DM north 24/7, and Major Health pots are being sold just above vendor prices on AH, and Large brilliant shards and Majors mana pots will be just as worthless soon.

I wish I had that Picard face palm thingy.

There is this gnome bot that comes through Ironforge pretty regularly. Sometimes he actually plays the character though. I give him a little “beep boop” and he knows exactly what I mean. We laugh about it and then we go on our way.

LOL . blue won’t post.
prove me wrong mr blue.

Tried to tell people about this months ago, the subterranean harvesting bots are just obnoxious.

Why do you feel the onus is on customers paying $15/month to play, rather than the small indie company rolling in billions of dollars? I mean, besides the trolling.


I dunno you could ask the same thing in this post I made earlier:

Yes, more so to indifference and incompetence.

Blizz: no :slightly_smiling_face:

Where is my blue post on this?

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This is why Bliz wont comment.

that link doesn’t work

Blizzard edited the link URL again.

Fixed it tho.