Do premades think they are better players?

yeah. world pvp is dead. it not worth the risk harassing players. if you want to fight then go battlegrounds. premade always cheats though. it’s unfair though.

last time i saw a premade team guild were cheating. so i did not want to participate in it.

Groups of ultra geared players that indefinitely farm graveyards while avoiding doing objectives to keep the game from ending? That should be considered cheating.

I think they should make graveyards immune like they did in Tol Barad. Party sync should not be a thing in PvP.

No. You just have super gear. You don’t need to discuss a strat when you know the bg and you can one shot regular players.

It has been suggested that matchmaking should distribute players randomly to a faction, irrespective of parties.

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This is a dreadful argument.

We are coming up on 2 weeks from the start of Season 3.

Where gear was completely reset.

And gathering the currencies required to gear is ridiculously easier than it has been for a long, long time.


Those are the best voice chats to be in. I don’t want to listen to someone shot call an epic like it’s a rated battleground, lol.

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So you are naked now? Or are you saying that now that people who play like you have gotten a carpton of flightstones and all the crests and whatever you need to get from PvE currency, new players deserve to get driven from the game by sociopaths for not having played the hardest content in the game since before they were born?

People who have honor gear are pretty annoyed at what they have to do to upgrade their gear to be able to defend themselves in wPvP.

What are you talking about? You don’t need to upgrade your gear.

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That’s a funny one. Tell that to my buddies who get trashed in warmode when attacked by players in real PvE gear.

That doesn’t happen, lol.

You know, it would be easier to take you seriously if you posted on an account that shows you actually play the game.


I’m just gonna say now this doesn’t happen… This is coming from someone who’s entire content is War Mode and WPvP.

Even the regular wpvp blues / honor geared players are heroic ilvl in WPvP. I doubt many PvE players are of a base ilvl of 473 / 476 or higher at the moment. PvE players would get trashed on, no question.


No. Unlike you, people can look at my gear.

You get them from PvP too. Do you even play this game?

That’s a player problem. Not a game problem.

It might happen, their buddies might be totally dreadful at the game and could be the people that I see get smoked by the Comp Stomp AI.


Ham obviously

Not real


One step closer to the purple expansion

I have dodged this for most my life no comment

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Nah. Disagree.

Turham is where it’s at.

wanna be my friend and q 3’s with me

this is just another example of players ruining the game for themselves with no real way for blizzard to police degenerate behavior like this


The only people ruining the game for themselves are the players who continue to do the exact same thing day after day, not enjoying it, and heading for the forums to blame everyone else for it.


I like your transmog Danger

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wow community: “just stop playing idiot”

also wow community: “why is wow pvp so unpopular and un-fun for new players?”


Stumblin for president

Sad but true, if only there was some way they could put a stop to it they surely would have done it by now.

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