Do premades think they are better players?

Good thing they have an easy way to gear multiple characters. So long as time is a primary variable the queues will be manipulable.

Yes, because the forest is always listening. :wink:

I don’t get the overly intense anger at sync queuers because i know there’s sometimes not many of them even playing together.

If you’re playing one toon it’s easy to gear up for PvP even when sometimes running into ‘premades.’

nah. premades are cheaters in battlegrounds. it’s not worth playing with it. PVP is bad with it. that cause anger. it’s sad. not many want to do that.


This isn’t the game for you then. 5-mans in regulars too - but strangely that’s fine, lol. If 8 people from a community happen to get into the same BG (solo queueing) and their team wins, it has nothing to do with sync queuing.

yeah. i was not PVPing now. they make things worse. so i was doing something better instead. that is why i wait. i just want normal rules. they do it wrong sometimes. that is why i don’t like joining in losing battlgrounds in progress. i threw that away.

Sounds like you’re really taking your time spent seriously then. Posting on the Battleground forums to state you aren’t pvping in battlegrounds is time well spent.


whatever. whats your credit score? thats what i thought now get off my lawn.

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I don’t get the big deal it happens on both sides, I agree with you I mean last I heard this is an MMO.

It takes everyone different lengths of time to transition through the denial phase and move into introspection. Someone above gave a 17-18 year timeline, and they are still in the denial portion. We need to offer hugs not pity.

yeah. people need to change thier ways. not all were perfect.

Blunt comment but not exactly untrue, LOL.

Not much different than sub-max pvp “enthusiasts” or wpvp exploiters.

I remember back in Legion (when only AV and IoC were available as queue’able epics) there was this one late-night Horde premade group that started queuing sync-queue premades around ~9 PM. I sometimes tagged along since I was in their Discord listening in when the group leaders started forming groups/asking “anyone else want an invite?”

I remember one time they literally had us sitting around/idling in a major city for 1 hour 14 minutes due to a bad luck streak/bad sync-queues back to back to back. During this 1 hour 14 minutes literally no PvP happened, just standing around in Legion Dalaran - we weren’t even allowed to enter a “loading screen”/change zones because it’s believed loading screens can “throw off” a sync-queue

We finally got into the same AV match around the 1 hour 18 minute mark - and it was a total onesided stomp of course - then you step back and realize that between the 1 hour 14 minutes of queue-fishing plus the length of the actual match itself (35-40 minutes) we had only done a whopping 1 BG in the span of ~2 hours :joy:


That will throw off even a single party, never mind a queue sync attempt.

Make the queue cross faction.
Make it so most of the queue (maybe 30 or 35 out of the 40 on each team) has to accept the queue invite before the game will even start otherwise you’re placed back in the front of the queue.
Give deserter penalty for those who decline an abnormally large number of queues in a given time.
Make deserter penalty account wide, and stacking if you leave a high number of battlegrounds over a period of time.

Now you have a situation where you can’t send in one scout to see how the teams are filling up. Most of you will have to accept the queue before anyone is even teleported into the battleground.
And if you decline your queues over and over again in a period of time, you’ll start getting an account wide deserter debuff each time.

This won’t make sync premades impossible, but it will make them a lot more inconvenient to form.

As a flip side to this, reward people for playing consecutive games without leaving a match early.
Say, for every battleground match you complete to the end, you get a stacking 1% bonus to honor and conquest from wins up to 10%. If you leave a game early, that bonus is reset or significantly reduced. This bonus counts for and applies only to the random queued battlegrounds (random bg, random epics, blitz, solo shuffle) and not organized rated pvp (rated, arena).

Now you have a situation that makes it a lot harder to game the queues, while rewarding players for not leaving matches.


Previous to SL/DF solo DPS could carry BGs which meant that any premades with healers could be destroyed by 1-2 players on the opposing team.

After SL/DF healers became overtuned so premades often containing 1-2 healers came into popularity.

If you can’t calculate why this matters is because it’s about luck. If your team is garantueed 1-2 decent healers they’ll most likely be better than the average healer pool.

So the FIX is really simple. Nerf healers into the ground make them killable. For example > nerf cocoon by about 90%, remove things like tranq immunity for druid and reduce healing output to match better with dps output requiring healers to actually have good positioning GCD APM and not like how it is now where a CD will solve all problems.

i hate to agree with a night elf but man shes kinda really right

especially the cross faction part

People overestimate the amount of communities willing to game the crossfaction system (i will tell you the big players literally wont, maybe some fringe group that doesnt post on the forums will i guess). This also lets me play with my friends that for some reason play horde, and also makes it so my queues arent 12 minutes long, amazing change really.

i will take an oath to stay normal server now, better to be safe then sorry. pvp server is causing an issue to people alot. it is not worth it. but you want a real battle. go do battlegrounds. not to bother people in doing quest. most are busy doing things.

For better or worse, there are no PvE or PvP servers anymore.
I’m always in war mode, but it makes the open world pretty empty on my server and makes it basically impossible to find groups for any group open world content because 90% of them are not in war mode.

World pvp is dead, at least on my server. War mode just enables me to use pvp talents for a little extra power.

Our premade conversation last night:

  1. Whether ham or turkey was superior
  2. Snow
  3. Cheese
  4. New expansion
  5. Emergency rooms

We don’t usually shoot strategy. We don’t do much communication aside from “remember to backcap.”

I do find it amusing that people think we are communicative PvP strategists though :sunny:

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