Do people like flying with Deep Breath?

Yeah I mean this is just a user preference thing, I’ve had worse issues with using @cursor than the reticle, personally. I would rather have to click a bit more furiously in an encounter to ensure that I land exactly where I want to.

It could easily be fixed if coded like flying serpent kick. I’d rather deal with it sometimes getting a little hung up on terrain (especially since you’re rarely using it around extreme terrain in an important moment) than have it continue to experience pathing issues.

I don’t see how with the “Maneuverability” hero talent, it wouldn’t work this way. If it’s just the current iteration of deep breath but you can steer it once you find the path, that’s going to create even more problems and be clunky.

Whenever I use deep breath I go “WEEEEEEEEEEEEE”.

so yeah.

I don’t like the part where it’s super easy to die with it though lol. The slow wind down into a random aoe. Oh also when it just won’t work and I waste like 3 GCDs trying to get it to go. Or when there’s an archway in the way and I end up accidentally deep breathing the opposite direction outside cuz my cursor touched the archway.

Just give it the Killing Spree treatment and give high DR while up in the air.

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