Do not touch PVP this weekend

I could be mistaken, but I believe most ret attacks now bypass AMS and AMZ as of the rework.

Only with holy strike. This is due to holy strike being holy and physycal combined. Radiant is fire and holy magic combined and can be absorbed by anti-magic defensives.

Totally. Fascists are bad.

You’re so mad sweaty. You still haven’t said how dispels counter other specs nearly as hard have you? You just keep saying “I caught you in a lie” blah blah shut up with that already, tell us how other classes are as hard countered by a dispel as pala.

I don’t think I’ve read other posters that are as triggered as you seem lmao. PS you even got ratio’d on every comment which is extra hilarious

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What’s sad about this, is that she is a mage, the one class that can very easily keep pallies perma snared except maybe when they bubble, which they can counter with… take a guess… ice block.

You point out afflock as being countered by dispels but they can easily reapply dots and often take pvp talents that fear or silence anyone who dispels them.

Paladin bubble is a 5min cd. If it gets dispelled or broken we have no defensives to make up for it outside of SoV (20% dam reduc) and divine protection (30%)

Freedom and BoP are both dispellable and our only team utility outside of off heals. BoP is also a 5min cd and only stops physical damage.

Off healing consists of Word of Glory which requires holy power, meaning casting it is a damage loss. Secondly we have flash of light, which when talented into is instant cast now. In my opinion this is the strongest part of the rework. Prior to this we were very susceptible to getting kicked on FoL and being holy locked which also kills our damage.

Overall ret suffers from the same thing it always has. It’s extremely easy to neuter its damage output by kiting it out, dispelling freedom and breaking bubble, and just surviving its burst window, which after these nerfs will be easier to do. If you see them pop wings then cc them into oblivion. If they bubble then you just need to wall or run and once wings are down their damage is gone and they have no more bubble to stop an all in.

The only people who genuinely belive ret paladin has no counter play just dont want to learn positioning. They want to do the same thing theyve been doing to ret for the last 6 years, which is stand on top of them and eat their burst while forcing bubble and then burning them down when bubble is on cd. The moment they have to actually fear standing on top of the paladin the forums explode with how op they are

BoP can be purged lol

Divine Shield is 6 seconds and can be broken with MD and Shattering Throw. It’s really not that great

I like how you’re talking about running away from a Ret when their rework gave them a bunch of hardhitting ranged abilities and speed boosts. Not to mention, where are you running in an arena that they can’t catch you? lmao.

They were deservedly hotfixed.

Not when they’re dead or constantly interrupted or cc’d. Afflocks have just as much issues as Ret - aff’s major defensive are dispellable / shatterable, nearly all of their backloaded damage can be freely dispelled before doing any damage with little to no penalty. UA backlash was a joke. Constantly reapplying dots (assuming you can get the cast time off for the non instants) means you’re doing zero DPS or CC or anything else useful.

But this whole conversation around ret being punished with dispels is silly - of course they are and I never said they weren’t.

This only came around because the insecure clown I was arguing with said that Ret was the ONLY class hard countered by dispels - which is simply not true. Ret is one of a few classes hard countered by dispels. But he couldn’t handle being wrong and felt the need to invent a whole bunch of strawman arguments to try and justify his incorrect assertion.

Do dispels suck for ret? Yes, for many of the same reasons it sucks for affliction. Is ret the only class dispels suck for? No.

This patch made PvP worse, not better, I imagine the next ‘big patch’ will be the same.

qq more and just stop PvP altogether if your attitude is like this.

Bro grow up and stop crying

Paladins could one shot an entire raid and still whine about not being strong enough.

Crazy how people will bend to the fotm so much and here I am still here!!!

-lvls up my lvl 60 ret pally-

Cause I’m so gonna listen to a little cry baby :rofl::rofl: …grow up

Leave it to the vulpera to not understand a classes weaknesses and exploit them.

Still gaslighting?

Git good.

Just roll pally like everyone else and have some fun, it’s actually so much fun even after the nerfs :slight_smile: