So, I get that you are a bit upset that your lie was called out. It was a stupid lie to make considering it’s so easily disproven. Sorry for hurting your feelings.
All I was doing was commenting on your ridiculous lie that ret is the only class hard countered by dispels - which is a blatant lie. Didn’t talk about anything else you said. I didn’t say Ret couldn’t be countered by dispels, just that it isn’t the ONLY class that can.
Bit ironic, considering the talk of grade school reading levels.
Are you really that ignorant or arrogant? That is exactly how you counter a ret. We literally have 0 defenses against warrior/disc priest with bubble and everything else is hard countered by half the classes in game. Even our stun can be dispelled by all healing classes.
Mind you it is the only stun in game to be able to do so.
I understand anything with a rating, but I wouldn’t worry about non-rated as there’s so many unskilled Ret Paladins out there who thought a Ret meant easy wins.
Tell me the god bubbles balance druid and MM hunter get (the two main specs I play). And frost mage. That allows them to put out insane damage while healing themselves, keep attacking with crazy numbers, and taking no damage at all.
Sorry, Ret is broken and should’ve never gone live like it did. There isn’t a class in this game besides pally that can take no dmg, heal, and give out massive dps at the same time.
Yeah, you’re upset your lie was called (about ret being the only class hard countered by dispels) so now you’re straw manning trying to pretend I said that ret weren’t countered by dispels.
Is this a serious post? mm can kite a ret in circles all day, they’re one of the best pvp specs imho, go do some bgs if you’re serious, same for frost, should be able to easily kite a ret.
You keep going in circles making stuff up that doesn’t exist. Just admit you were either lying or ignorant when you said “ret pallies are the only class(sic) that are hard countered by dispels”.
Because at the moment your panicked attempts to redirect are both sad and laughable at the same time.
I have to agree with Eve here. I played pally and just never really liked it, but it was the iconic Alliance class. Rolled a warrior and never looked back.
There was a post of someone complaining warrior isn’t the top due to pally. Now if the damage is as bad as everyone is saying, then yea that needs a little nerfing. But otherwise, show them the Light.
One look-up or reading the paladin forums will tell you otherwise.
Stop gas lighting, i am starting to think you need some help.
100% of the ret pally tool-kit can he hard countered, and if for some reason you cannot counter our buffs, you can easily kite us, for we have no reluable gap closers.
Also grow up. Calling ppl liers for telling the truth you won’t bother to double check on is childish.
The problem is that in your rage induced fit, you made stuff up and said that “ret pallies are the only class in the game that can be hard counted by dispels”.
This is an obvious lie (or you are genuinely ignorant). Instead of acknowledging your lie (or mistake) when called out, you instead have gone on a major strawman to try and deflect away from the fact you were wrong.
I can only assume you are young and have not reached the level of emotional maturity to own up to your mistakes, rather than a malicious troll.
Either way, you can keep on straw manning and saying that I said ret can’t be countered by dispels (despite the post still being there with exactly what I said), or you can accept you were wrong.
Not angry at all. I am pretty sure you are though because you refuse to accept nor have an true arguement about how weak paladins actually are, hence you keep trying to tell yourself it is a lie and trying to make the arguement about me instead of facts.
There is a saying about assuming…
Also again i have been playing a loooong time. Check this charecters feats if strentgh… i got a title you’ll never acheive.
It’s impossible to have an argument with someone who is just making stuff up to suit themselves, because they are so enraged about being called out they can’t accept being wrong.
I don’t need to. It’s completely obvious that ret is not “the only class in the game that is hard countered by dispels”. I don’t why you refuse to accept that.
Look it up. Look in the class forums. I am done wasting time with a child.
You have no idea what your talking about and being bad at the game.
Git good.
Freedom is a magic buff.
Bop is a magic buff.
Divine sheild can be mass dispelled or shattering throwed.
Our stun is a magic debuff.
Our snares is magic debuffs.
What else do you want kid? You want tonlive in a fantasy world where paladins is magically some over powered class instead of constantly the weakest one in competitive play? You want to make an excuse to not dispell our most powerful spells to call yourself skilled? What is it?