Do I unsub until Phase 3?

I looked up the phases online. WSG does not come until phase 3?


How long is that?

I am ready for battlegrounds. I am not going to continue to pay for a game with no battlegrounds.

Someone text me when WSG pops.



You sound like my bf, who won’t listen to me when try to tell him that releasing a fully finished Classic that immediately goes into maintenance mode probably wouldn’t be very good for the long term health of the game. HE doesn’t play like most players these days, who gobble up content then get bored, so that means NO ONE would and delays are stupid.

I think everyone* is just impatient and are pulling a Veruca Salt - “I want it NOW!”. We know you do, but they want Classic to feel like an actual game with things to look forward to. I don’t really get people who think that’s bad, but there are sure a lot of them.

*-as applicable, not literally everyone.


In regards to your thread title…yes please do.


It will be kind of strange with no battlegrounds :thinking:

BGs will relase early, just like DM, before the planned phase 3 launch. Either December 10th, or December 17th. Then phase 3 will fully launch on January 14th or February 11th.

Those are my predictions based on nothing of substance.


huh? Many people played Vanilla with WSG already open. Why should everyone have to do the “Duurr… SINCE BETA!” bit?

I find it funny that you people are so afraid that Classic will die if it’s not propped up by artificial time gating.


This is very old news that you could have found out before Classic even launched.


Do I unsub until Phase 3?

Please do.


“This is very old news that you could have found out before Classic even launched.”

You have to explain everything to some people.

Would bgs being in playing Classic? No.

Did I probably read this before I played? Yes, but I don’t remember.

Is Requiem’s reply meaningless? Yes.

Yeah it’s stupid. Either save up as much gold as possible/level alts (WOOHOO) or become a die hard no life raider and quit your job. Like that’s all there’s to do for months, if not a year. But yeah, living the dream, #nOcHaNgEs and stuff. oh and gO bAcK tO rEtAiL lol. Did I miss any buzzwords/buzz terms that people are using?

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bgs should have been in game on launch. no one said anything about the entire game being released. there is literally no reason to have honor with out battlegrounds. i know some people like world pvp but that doesnt mean all of even most of us want to gank for months.


Then don’t.

I really don’t see why this warranted a post.


Many people ALSO played vanilla when the only real battlegrounds were the crossroads, southshore, tauren mill, blackrock mountain, the wyrmbog before an ony raid, or the occasional major city raid.

I can personally tell you, it is WAY more satisfying fighting for a few hours through respawns cutting down Thrall on his throne in Orgrimmar than it is to kill general Drek’Thar in AV. There are people who prefer world PVP over BG’s and phase 2 is their ONLY chance to reclaim some of those glory days from 15 years ago. Let us world pvp’ers have some fun before everyone stops exploring the world and raid logging/rank 14 grinding.


Players:“We want an authentic vanilla blizzlike experience”
Blizzard: Here it is but its with 1.12 talents and class balance
Players: “We dont care yay classic!”
Blizzard: We are going to release content like we did during vanilla
Players: " Omg you broke the game, give me what i want immediately"


I love the * as applicable. Should be used more often.

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Its your time. If you are not entertained, find something that entertains you.

Personally im farming gold and other things to be ready for BG’s.

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Fixed it for you.


Good job, i agree with the fix. My bad for grouping all of us with them.

I guess my guild is full of “die hard raiders” with a bunch of off meta specs who cleared MC and Ony in 4 hours.

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i wanted bgs from day one. i dont know what you mean by “players” nice strawmen you built there.

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