Do I really have too much Haste?

Everyone is telling me that im itemizing wrong entirely and that i have too much haste. I’ll admit I can get maybe 100-200 dps on paper if I go from 417 to 426 ilvl but if i do ill lose about 15% haste. on paper the minimal dps loss to me doesnt seem worth it on stuff like fixing my cancled casts and ramp up times when i make mistakes, interface lags or something is bugging me out and making me not able to click the boss…then theres also the problem if i miss click something my cursor resets to the EXACT middle of my screen every so often intermittently. I used to raid on 250ms phone tether back in uldir and BoD as well. back in uldir i couldnt even run starlord. I literally ran WoE and FoE just to use as scuffed rage potions essentially to dps and move better. haste has been the only stat that helps me feel less clunky as a caster. its just too unforgiving for me that if the raid positioning gets messed up i can waste a LOT of time making up for it but with well over 27% haste i feel like i make up for those small mistakes way easier i have less canceled casts, I die way less often trying to be greedy for that lunar strike cast now. everyone tells me im garbage for wearing 417 gear instead of 426 set which i simmed every possible outcome and combination for and im literally only a couple hundred dps behind the set which is 9 ilvl higher. some people believe im like selfish and putting my self before the raid and that i only wanna parse better and im just fudging the numbers but its mostly just to keep my haste. I have one item that I intentionally take about a 100 dps loss on because im not equipping a 440 over a socketted 400 lose some haste and look like a worse player on parses by FAR. the guild wants to pressure people with parses but im supposed to put on higher ilvl blindly? i dunno man i guess im the problem.

anyway so like heres my sim:

Raidbots----> /simbot/report/usDtFacBiBMcEMScZFpuWE

anyway yea like how bad is my sim compared to most 425’s would you say? keep in mind the top 5 guilds on my entire shard wouldnt hold a candle to the bottom 500 in illdan and no one is even close to AOTC on our entire shard so im going to be fking garbage compared to you elitests.

I’m not at my cpu at the moment to run your sim but… I run higher ilvl stuff because the same reason you talk about; it’s appeasing to others.

However I can also say that I prioritize haste in my build. I’m like…427 I think in pve gear and I have much more int, more crit, more mastery, more vers, and the same haste… so.

I’m also very casual when it comes to pve; really the whole game as of late. I’m mainly pvp at heart but with a new kid, I don’t have time for much. Certainly not an elitist.

I’d say if the dps is the same, play whatever is more fun? I mean it’s a game after all. If your shard is a bad as you say, it it worth them talking about being “selfish” and needing to parse well? lol. I mean put on the higher gear once, show them the dps doesn’t change much, and then maybe they’ll stop?

People say to take the higher level gear over a secondary stat because higher ilvl gear gives more intellect/base stat than the secondary stats, so it scales up much higher. The majority of dps classes recommend to take higher ilvl pieces over secondary stats because main stats simply provide so much more power.

I’d recommend trying to practice rotations and raid positioning and such to avoid having movement mess up and other mistakes messing you up.

if you look at my BoD parses every single boss besides stormwall heroic and jade mythic were purple parses, with a 98 parse on opulance. given that the top guild on my shard cant even get aotc yet and wouldnt make the bottom 200 on illidan thats all the access to content i have at the moment.

rotation is not my issue its just how much information i can take in at once as a human being. i cant focus on too many things at once or i break down mess up and become useless. haste fixes everything for me as far as the class feeling unforgiving

I mean, I’m not sure what you’re looking for then. Despite other things being better, if haste makes you enjoy the spec more and makes you play it better, then so be it.

To the original title question, do you have too much haste? No, no you don’t. I think these levels of haste feel good too. Do I think you should give up ilvl for it? Well, I guess if you can’t play without it, that an easy answer. I find it hard to believe that a flat 9ilvl overall increase isn’t noticeably better for you but I mean, whatever.

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i can only get 200 dps out of 10 ilvls and if i have the BOE cape in my bags im 428 in bags and still 417 equip. i have 5 sockets and the only item i choose to have a dps loss over is my 440 hands non sockets are like a 100 dps increase over my 400 socket hands

and im not going to gain 2 flat ilvl for 100 dps that makes me look like a WORSE player on logs. everyone gets pressured by logs so ill take that sacrifice to parse better.

fully @ 427 ilvl i get maybe a couple hundred dps over my 417 set. my 430 azerite shoulders are a BIG dps loss. i tried on another 420 helm that lost streaking stars for the BiS tides or w/e trait and it was a 2000 dps loss on sims… that doesnt even make sense… literally my item level has been going down and my dps has been going up from itemizing for the most part because of 5 sockets. i lose out on over 5k health but who cares

What is your simmed dps? Losing SS I understand. I also don’t use 2 Azerite upgrades because they don’t have SS on them. Everything else I use basically though.

at the moment @ 417 ilvl its 36,674 dps

So if you’re doing fine and have high parses … what’s the problem? You like the gear set up you have? Keep it. Your guild mates aren’t playing your character.

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now i got some azerite i saved up for and caved for the 430’s and got every BiS 430 piece and 440 socket hands that replaced my barely dps gain 440 hands and now these hands are a 300 dps increase. now wearing blue bracers to get my haste over the next GCD hump and haste stat weight value went up considerably and crit value skyrocketted.

current sim now at 37.9k dps. @ 419 ilvl with a 53 neck and rank 1 vision of perfection

with 55 neck and rank 2 ill be over 40k sim
