DMF lol.. what is going

pre pop protection potions (holy/shadow/nature/fire) and run in with an invis pot and a PVP queue active. 100 % success rate so far

Well we cant do BGs since its so unbalanced with Shamans and racials so we gotta get honor somehow!

Cant wait to get my priest up next phase so i can dispel all the world buffs from these pathetic allies >:)

yep. ill be camping thunder bluff on my off time next time its up.

cause its fun right?

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I just can’t wrap my head around why people roll on a PvP server and then whine and moan that PvP happens.

Insisting that any kind of PvP that is disadvantageous to them is “griefing”



yes unironically

I got the buff without issue. You don’t need a raid. The trick is having a buddy queue you for a bg, wait for it to pop, then rush with pots/defensive cds and auto accept buff with NWB addon, and take queue. I’ve done this every single time DMF was in SW and got it without fail.

Read this:

  1. Run to Elwyn Forest.
  2. Have a friend / guildmate / random person queue you for a battleground as you’re nearing DMF.
  3. Run into DMF and die on purpose.
  4. Run back to DMF as a ghost and stand next to Sayge.
  5. When BG queue pops, take rez.
  6. Talk to Sayge. Make sure you have Nova World Buffs set to automatically accept the damage buff.
  7. Take BG queue.
  8. AFK out of BG.

You win. Alliance losers QQ.


I second this. Might as well have Sylvanas chilling by the shooting range to add even more immersion.

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Speak for yourself only!

I knew I did, and I still do!

Yea I’d say over 95% of people who do BG Q’s get the buff easily no problem. But the vast majority of people don’t seem to know that and try to run or port away, which is pretty funny. I just kill anyone who I see popped a FAP.

I’m suggesting the world doesn’t allow for it. Tell me specifically where you think guards and civilians are being abused by horde. I’ll wait.

Its crazy. I cant explain it. Scientists should really do a study on alliance DMF griefers

I already gave examples in this cery thread. The fact you think abusing advantages is exclusive to one faction tells me all i need to know.

It tells me youre a biased person only concerned with things that negatively affect you and playing way too hard into faction identity. My suggestion is to go outside and touch some grass.

It’s amazing how people will point blame at anyone and anything. People ganking a certain spot, and somehow it’s Blizzard fault. This is almost as bad as blaming the president for gas prices.