DK Visuals & Animations Megapost

Don’t worry about it.

My hope is that we get another wave of combat animations next expansion, or best case, late DF. I assume a lot of the animation workload went into the Drakthyr and Dragon mount animations, resulting in no new character animations in general for this expansion.



Raising the thread in the wake of the new Abomination Limb. I added two new things to the original post, which are the following:

Unholy Assault : Ability should have a unique weapon trail effect, or just use an altered effect from Condemn. (Maybe subtle little wail put in there too.)

Outbreak: Outbreak should make use of the Cast Curse Left animation. Idea is the Death Knight casts minor spells from their non-dominant hand, and should not sheathe their weapon

Visual examples were added to the original post for the examples above.


Bro, this is pure art.

Great post.


In combination of the abomination stitching system and the dragon riding customization system I wonder if they could make a build a minion system.


They have the systems in place, and having a ‘Build-a-Ghoul’ option would be pretty rad.


I feel that an upcoming patch will give DK options like warlock got for their pets. Be fun to give our minions some personality


Great post, its posts like these the devs really need to look into and implement :slight_smile:


Rulord I have to commend you on the work and detail you have put in to your post. It is by far one of the best posts I have seen in relation to this ongoing topic of discussion for Deathknights.


Agreed. Along with a legitimate rework, we desperately need a visual overhaul. Every pts cycle i keep hoping for some big changes but it seems like it’s still probably a ways off. Given that the devs are usually aware of issues they probably have big plans to overhaul the entire class and it’s something they can’t do in a .5 or a .7 I’d assume we’re getting a pretty ginormous rework in 11.0. New animations and special effects, new talents, reworked talents and pruning unused talents for every spec/class tree are in order. Gameplay problems like needing maximum uptime on a boss to compete with everyone on frost needs to be tackled as well, same as infinite breath and fundamentally bad talents like soul reaper


I like a lot of suggestions here, but I think it is also necessary to add suggestions to the customization of our DK character, for example, as a human I can only use 3 faces with DK’s 3 unique skin tones, there are many faces that I cannot use with those skin tones, and more skin tones are needed, characters like Thassarian or Whitemane use a white/purple skin tone, it would also be nice to be able to change the color of our eyes, just as Bolvar did in the SL cinematic.


I thought about adding a section for DK customization, but Im not sure if its in line with the overall subject of the post. There are a few skin options already in game that would work great for DKs, and Allied Races are completely missing any undead skin customization to boot.

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So I used wraith walk and my undead male seems to be gripping the weapon correctly now is this new ?

Yup, they adjusted Wraith Walk to use the WA2HIdle animation in 10.2. The small issue it caused is it makes the placement weird for polearms now, but the majority of DKs use weapons with shorter hilts anyway. Hopefully, they code it eventually to adjust between the WA2HIdle and the 2HLIdle depending on the weapon type the character uses.

But at least someone is looking at these things and trying to change them for better hopefully…I use 2h swords (rune blades only lol) and every time I use wraithwalk i notice it. It caught me off guard yesterday that’s for sure, now if we can get them to just take this entire thread and make the changes here. Here’s hoping

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I actually want to mention that a bug exists where obliteration will disable the transmoged enchant we have on our weapons, mainly the newer ones that cover the entire weapon like sinful flame, or wraithchil, voids edge. Since this is a visuals post figured id mention it

Ive been playing with Frost recently, and I noticed that its been retaining the texture-based enchants on my end. If I see it happen, Ill try to record and report it.

Its the enchants that completely coat the weapons like sinful flame, wraithchill, voids edge, that will lose their effect when using obliteration

New to DK and I’m already working on a sound mod for Unholy. Howling Blast sounds and looks so nice and crunchy so I was surprised to find Death Coil to be the wispiest little wheeze of a sound despite its importance in the rotation. Clawing Shadows isn’t much better.


Since it’s been shoehorned into being a mandatory ability this season for Frost, Chill Streak – it is a very unsatisfying skill to use, visually and audibly. Even the name of it is lame. It’s a bouncing snowball – not exactly evocative of a big badass juggernaut of death. I’m thinking a frozen soul that pierces through the enemy, which curves around to hit its next target instead of “bouncing”.