DK needs to be nerfed in PVP

DKs can take 5+ players, do massive self healing, wear plate and do ridiculous damage. Its only going to get worse as they get more gear. THEY NEED TO BE NERFED


you are tripping
there are much higher threats than dk itself rn

Another player that doesnt understand if u nerf a class in pvp u nerf them in pve as well. Git gud.

yeah its not like they can reduce healing done in just bgs and arena like theyve done in retail

Unholy and Frost DKs are actually kinda squishy from a melee perspective. If you’re a caster… the class is designed as a counter to casters.

If you’re talking about Blood DK… they arent really viable in Arena so who cares.

Time to reroll…


Except they probably should be nerfed in PvE.

I mean they are for 2’s but… no rewards? Blood/ret is a meta 2’s comp in cata

You can even look at to confirm half the DK’s in 2’s are blood. Still meta in classic like it was on the forbidden servers.

Blizzard isnt going to balance pvp around duels, world pvp, 2v2, etc. Those are just for fun, not competitive. Pvp is balanced around 3v3 (Blizzard’s own claim).

Okay? No one will refute that because it’s common knowledge. But what does that have anything to do with what you said previously that I commented on?

You said they weren’t viable, when they are meta. Hell even the top dk for 3’s is blood. I don’t understand why you wouldn’t consider them viable when they slap about just as hard as unholy and have more defensives.

Btw I don’t think they need nerfs. If you nerf DK then you need to also nerf like 5 other classes.

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That’s how they ruined the game and PvP. No need to do that here and ruin Cata. The day they started PvP auras and abilities working differently in PvP is the day WoW died.

DK’s are fine and nothing needs nerfs. Some buffs though could be added.

They are a menace lol. Their kit is so busted especially early in an expac, but I think they don’t scale as hard as casters and rogues. That’s kind of the story for all the plate dps classes in Cata.

They’re not actually Blood in Arena.

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The OP is asking for nerfs to DK because he finds them troublesome in areas outside of the area they balance the game around. My response is addressing that.

Blood DK in 3v3 is just griefing your team 100%, but you do you :+1:

What a wild thing to say without it triggering any electric currents in your brain.

Nothing needs nerfs? But some things need buffs? How did your brain not identify that’s the same thing as saying many things need nerfs?

Cmon guys this is classic. Nothing should be nerfed or buffed. Keep it original.

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It’s not wild to say.

Nerfing anything in Classic isn’t the right approach doesn’t matter even if it’s OP.

Yes this is the right approach especially in regards to QoL Class changes or fixing bugs.

It’s not. It’s completely different.

haha haha haha haahahaha hahahah.

As a priest I would pretty please like all warriors and DKs to be nerfed thank you (/joking)

boomkins are doing double people’s damage with a single instant cast button that is uncounterable, and you’re worried about DKs.

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