Dk healed to full instantly.? HALP!

I was playing my rogue earlier and tried to kill a really geared DK ( guy had 378k HP baseline lmfao)

but hey i was doing really well… I bursted him all the way down to like 10%ish HP and then BOOOM! he was instantly 100%!!!

and no he did not have icebound fortitude up.

I am a bit confused I would just like to know how to counter this next time and know what he is actually doing. was that a potion crit or something?

They heal a huge chunk of whatever dmg they took in the last 4 secs modified by vers. So if they are pooling runic power have to not let them hit you

A great many leech talents and essences in the game currently can be activated by killing critters and pushover mobs as well. It’s often a good strategy to pull as many trivial mobs as you can when ganking someone so that you can leech heal off of them.

DHs are most notoriously broken in this regard. I’ve seen a DH go from 20% HP to full health by killing some roaches.

Death Pact heals 50% HP and applies a 30% heal absorb. So you can deathstrike/potion/healthstone/any other broken wpvp healing item and then hit deathpact and be at 100%.

And in reference to post above: killing a critter or mob gives you a free double heal deathstrike.

Save your dodge and parry buffs for when he needs to death strike.

What visual Q do you get before they are going to deathstrike?

Edit; example a paladin it’s obvious if they are going to heal…they need to pause most of the time to hardcast too…yes I’m aware there are some exceptions.

You can take pretty much every single class in the game and do a full heal with it. :stuck_out_tongue:

But, yeah probably what Maladath said. Easier said than done but you should try to wait until DK is low on runic power to hit them with your big burst or they will just death strike most of it away.

Yeah, OP says he was on a rogue so he could use evasion/riposte to counter deathstrike healing.

If they have runic power and they go low they are going to heal. Because you are whittle them away as a prot pally, you dont have to worry as much since you dont do big hits

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There’s also abyssal and third wind pots as well…

ok thanks for the tips gang.

i will pay attention to runic power next time and maybe start carrying pots as well.

he must have got a nice death strike combined with a pot im thinking.

I cant remember but i think evasion was on CD so maybe i should wait for evasion next time lol.

i dun goofed

Nothing is fair in world pvp… so yeah :slight_smile:

Use crucible of flame on yourself

ty for the suggestion.

I think i could have killed him if i was a bit less greedy.

i tried to attack him when some of my cooldowns were on CD. huge rookie mistake i honestly under-estimated my opponent aswell. 2 oopsies in one