DK DPS LF Guild for TWW

Took an extended break from retail but looking to come back for TWW. I have logs from legion/ wrath classic that I will link when we speak. I achieved US 40th Helya and US 30th Guldan in Legion. I am looking for a Mythic guild in need of a dk player, I enjoy pushing keys as well. I would prefer a guild that raids 8-12 pm EST any days work. My discord is bene. if you have any questions.

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Invicta (US - Area 52) is a semi-hard-core, cutting-edge focused guild, formed by a group of friends who have enjoyed raiding together for many tiers. We have come together to create Invicta with the aim of strengthening our raiding core with exceptional progression-minded players. We operate on getting CE by end of tier and aim to improve our team’s speed each tier as we progress through the expansion. We’re all committed to having fun and playing to our highest potential in a respectful environment. Our goal is CE. We would love to welcome you into our community as we take on The War Within

Raid Schedule: Tues, Wed, Thurs 9.00pm-11.30pm EST
Recruitment Needs: Raiders foremost. ***M+ players are welcome and encouraged. ***

What We Provide: Cauldrons/Feasts for all raiders. Repairs during raid times. A very friendly and active environment/guild that talks and plays games with each other not only in WoW but outside of the game as well.

What We Expect: Be Respectful: Raiding can be stressful, but we’re all here to enjoy and improve our experience. Drama or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. Commitment to at Least One Character/Class: This includes playing outside of raid to have your character(s) geared on time, understanding your class’s damage/healing profiles, and performing to the best of your ability.

100% Commitment: This means making raids on time, taking responsibility for deaths/mistakes, being willing to help your fellow raiders, accepting feedback, and maintaining an overall positive attitude. General Preparedness: This includes coming to raid with appropriate consumables, studying fights ahead of time, installing any required add-ons/Weak auras, and reviewing any provided raid strategy before raid time. Thank you for taking the time to read the details above. If you are interested in joining our team, please reach out to one of our officers listed below, or just say hi if you see us online!

Bnet: Matthewelmer#1616 / Discord: Bailem (GM)
Bnet: Decaf#11754 / Discord: Guuru
Bnet: Sam#15172 /Discord: Sam.17
Bnet: Brathias#1282 / Discord: Brathias

Application can be found here:

still looking

We’re really small, but I created it like 3 days ago.

Looking for players of all roles and classes for raiding and m+ in TWW. Current member are all adults, but I wouldn’t necessarily call us mature. We’re kinda dumb. But we’re here to play hard, compete, and kill things. Super inclusive, I don’t need to see parses or links. I just need to know your gonna pull your weight.

We’re shooting for AOTC and ksm every season.

Hey there! Our start time is a little earlier than what you have posted but I figured I’d reach out and see if we might be what you’re after? We’re a more casual/mid-core guild so If you’re looking for more laid-back raiding then we’d love to have a DK join us for TWW! I’ll keep this short and leave all our copy-paste below, but hit me up if you’d like to chat more! :wave:

For a very brief TLDR: Casual/Mid-core raiding, 7:30-10:30pm EST Tues & Weds, mainly filled up with older raiders, no drama, chill vibes, 9/9H & 4/9M Amirdrassil while we were still progging.
Chaotic Neutral is a long-established semi-hardcore guild located on Alliance Turalyon that has been around since TBC! While we aren’t a hardcore CE push guild we do like to push as far as we can into mythic with a relaxed and chill raid environment, we’re a guild that prefers to have fun than get angry about progress.

We raid Tues/Weds from 7:30-10:30 pm EST. If you’d like more info on our previous progress please visit our WoWProg page, for our loot rules please visit our forum post. All we ask of raiders is to research fights and research your own class so you can play to the best of your ability!

We were 9/9H & 4/9M ATDH before our raid break. We completed all Awakened Heroic raids for the mount & title, so now we’re just on break til TWW drops.

We also have members who love running all levels of keys, and would be happy to bring more people along!

I’ll leave all our additional info below that I recommend checking out, but if you’re interested then please add my btag or discord to get in contact or put in an app on our guild site, hope to hear from you and if not then good luck on your search! :wave:
Guild Site:
Forum Post: [A][Turalyon] - 9/9H & 4/9M! - Tues/Weds 7:30-10:30 EST | Recruiting DPS for S4!
Guilds of WoW Page:
WoW Progress:
Recruitment Contacts: Btag - GingerHeals#11438 | Discord - sulveris

Hi Benedotqt
BiOL is looking for a few more raiders for tww. We are looking for Mythic raiders looking to prog and also fill in raiders who are more casual. Check us out below and if we seem like a fit give us a poke. Good luck to you regardless!