Distance yourself respectfully

Howdy howdy Rena! lol I’ve been well, was doing other things till I checked WoW and saw I had enough gold to buy a token. So I decided to take a look at the state of the game, hope you’ve been well.

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I wish they actually brought Arthas back for a real redemption arc. They seemed to have teased it and not followed through.

But i would like to believe Jaina canonically keeps the ring Anduin drops in the raid and he gets closure that way.


Actually to quote uther from halls of reflection “i suspect the piece of Arthas that might be left inside of the lich king is all that keeps the scourge from annihilating Azeroth.”

You also have how uther tells us that Arthas is a dwindling presence in the lich king which implies a different story direction then where they actually went.

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Oh that was my hope, but alas it was never meant to be. A shame really, especially since Blizz claimed that they do not invoke Arthas lightly.

Also still not over how dirty they did Nerzhul lol.


Ner’zul deserved better. I was hoping his soul would be reunited with his wife.


I had hoped that he would actually have been useful in helping us again Diet Thanos, y’know since he would have far more intimate knowledge of his power due to being infused with it.

In all Honesty shadowlands would be better to me if it just wasn’t an expansion, cause all the story beats have fallen flat. Or if they actually wanted to keep this expansion, make Denathrius the big bad cause he actually has personality.


The WoW writers are just in such a rush to get rid of all the characters that made Warcraft so they can do their own thing, and they don’t know how to give a cathartic ending to them.


They could have left Anduin out of this expansion entirely, and replaced him with young Arthas. That wouod have been satisfying if Arthas was the one to break free from the Jailers control. I would have loved for him to become the new Jailer by choice. I good Jailer.


lol I would actually accept that, have him willingly sacrifice his eternity to keep only the most vile souls that fail at atonement in Revendreth imprisoned.

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I would have personally loved if Arthas, Anduin and Bolvar had a standoff with the Jailer and were the ones who defeated him. Than you could have Arthas sacrifice what remained of his good soul to permantly seal the rift in the sky


Shadowlands could have been so good Erriden. Gah! We should have written it.

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It certainly had potential to better than it is. But I wouldn’t say the entire expansion is bad. Even SL had a few bright spots.

(Like the play in Ardenweald is just top notch and funny as hell)


At this point they need a Yoshi P of their own to save this story lol


Blizzard can make entertaining quests, but overall their ability to handle a cohesive narrative is mehhhh. That is my assessment though.


And it’s correct. They’re awesome at doing cohesive stories for individual zones. They’re just not very good at tying those stories to the meta narrative


As much as I know FFxiv is a big hit or miss with people of the WoW community, they handle their stories and lore with a great amount of consistency and with lots of planning ahead. It was a refreshing experience, and I see why people lavish praise upon Yoshi P.

Blizzard on the other hand, the new writers treat the lore that built up the game with I feel contempt. They seem to want to make their own mark on WoW, and completely divorce themselves from what was. Also the lack of consistency in the lore has been a massive headache for years, I can understand the need to retcon small things to make it fit but big pieces of lore that had been the gospel truth for years? That’s a no no to me, especially when it’s to insert a villain who lacks any character.


That’s my main issue really. New people wanting to do their own thing and make their own mark on a given IP is perfectly normal and okay. But like you said, there’s no need to disrespect what came before. Take Zooval, fully fleshed out, he would have been a excellent big bad for Shadowlands.

There’s just little need to hamfist him to everything major event in WoWs history


Well it’s also the fact that there is zero build up for him, so he comes out of left field and we’re supposed to believe he is this grand architect of events. It’s not believable and he is very cliche with any of his voice lines.


That’s the issue many have with Zooval. He’s a nobody we’re supposed to care about. I just think, if blizz had dropped hints from Wrath on, that there was a Man behind the curtain pulling the strings and actually took the time to flesh out Zooval, he would have been received much better.

All we know is that he wants to remake reality to make everything subservient to him and death, without giving us a idea what such a reality would look like.

How do we know such a reality is worse than the craptastic one our hero’s already occupy. Know what I mean?


You’re right, if they had hinted about him since wrath it would’ve been better received. But this expansion spawned from the aether of bfa, and they sacrificed N’zoth who actually had years of build up.