Disney has merged with microsoft and blizzard

Did you actually read the article? Or did you see the headline on your Facebook feed?
A life guard, who worked at Disney World, was the only child predator they found from Disney.
The other 3 employees were seeking prostitutes. I really couldn’t care about that.
The other 104 people had no ties to Disney.

The invesitgation took place in Polk County, which is the county next to Disney World Florida, given how big Disney World is and how many people work there, is that shocking?

To brand an entire company as child sex traffickers over that? Ridiculous.

Probly the usual reason. Company with too much money trying to keep it under wraps as long as possible. No place is sacred anymore. :frowning:

This person knows it, Disney has recently been all about the other historically giant brand names with long histories, akin to their own gravitas as household names

I mean, it depends on how involved they would be with the actual story . . . which could actually be a good thing as they tend to gather good story tellers. I know it’s the meme that “oh theys is gonna puts mouse ears on everyones and make da guns inta bubble blowers” but I could see SOMETHING good coming from it . . . even if it’s just an amazing animated movie film.

this was about disney merging with Blizzard