Dismount + Stealth

Having problem making a macro to dismount and stealth. Is this macro possible?

Just press your Stealth keybind. You automatically dismount. I’ve been doing this since 1985.


Unless you’re actually talking about WoW Classic… then that would make sense.

Why would classic be any different? Casting Stealth should dismount you just like any other action you perform while mounted.

It doesn’t. I forgot the macro and am not a home but a simple good search should prove its worth.

If hitting stealth doesn’t dismount you look in settings. I believe there is a setting you can turn on and off for having an action button dismounting you or not

All Purpose Macro I use for mounts.

#showtooltip Jeweled Onyx Panther
/use Magic Broom
/use [flyable] Jeweled Onyx Panther; Jeweled Onyx Panther

Just add /cast !Stealth to make a stealth macro if mounted

for classic the Leatrix add on will auto dismount you any time you try to do something that you need to be dismounted for.

so you can just click stealth twice.
1 time dismounts
2 time stealths.

or you can do it the macro way.
/cast stealth

might have to hit that one twice as well. i hear dismounting gives you a hidden GCD.

I’ve been running this macro since BC.

Still works fine for me til this day in Corona Era, give it a shot.

/cast [nomounted, nostealth] Stealth; [nomounted] Cheap Shot
/use [mounted] Mechano-Hog
/use [mounted] Black Drake

I remember back in the day, with the right specs… unless it truly was distance travel, I always wandered around in stealth as my run speed stealthed was faster than the average players regular run speed…

In classic, all buttons are macros.

You should try Classic. While stealthed, 50% speed reduction or thereabouts. It was/is painful.

I loved running around stealthed at crossroads… waiting for that chat message “Crossroads is under attack”… Let the hunt begin!