Discussion of Dragonriding

Part 1: Intro and Framework

Now that Dragonriding is out and people have had the chance to play it, I wanted to have a thread to talk about it. I feel like the discussion I’ve seen so far about it has been a bit muddled. It might be helpful to not only discuss, but to give a framework of how to better discuss the topic. To this end, I would like to submit two terms to be used in this thread:

BC Flying - The “noclip swimming through air” style flying we’ve had since BC.

Dragonriding - The gliding/momentum method introduced in Dragonflight.

These two systems are different. I don’t think there is any controversy in stating that. They are just two different things. They are separate entities and I would like to discuss them as separate entities for the purposes of this thread.

Additionally, I want to establish and get everyone reading this on board with the idea of preferences and subjectivity. I like Dr. Pepper and my husband likes Pepsi. This does not make either of us “wrong” for liking our preferred drinks. They are just two different things and we like them because we like them. Sometimes it can be frustrating to not have a concrete reason to point to in order to say if something is “good” or “bad” outside of preference. I think Dr. Pepper is good, he thinks Pepsi is good, and we are both right. Similarly, I think Pepsi is bad because I dislike the way it tastes. I am not deathly allergic to Pepsi, nor do I have some tragic past that informs my dislike. I simply dislike it. It is neither right or wrong to like/dislike things. It’s just preference.

I don’t like Dragonriding. I don’t want Dragonriding to go away, and I don’t think people are wrong for liking it. That is their preference and that is okay. It is also okay that I dislike it. There has been a lot of animosity surrounding this topic, and I want there to be a more calm beginning to this discussion so that actual understanding and constructive dialogue can happen. Please understand that this is not a conversation of whether it is objectively right or wrong and that no one is bad for their preference.

I have several reasons for disliking Dragonriding. I personally do not enjoy how it plays. I don’t want to glide or gain momentum. I find BC Flying to be far more intuitive, convenient, and enjoyable. I understand people like Dragonflying for the very reasons I dislike it. They enjoy the momentum building and the fact that it requires more input to do. They are perfectly entitled to this opinion and I do not resent their enjoyment.

I think my best step forward at this point is to have a list of common arguments and explain my perspective on them to better demonstrate my feelings of the system.

Part 2: Frequent Comments

  1. “Why are you talking about this?”

I think it is useful to share feedback on the game. I also want to try and articulate these points in a calm and non-judgemental manner so that others may have a better framework of expressing how they feel about this system without resorting to hyperbole or falling into miscommunication. Not everyone was able to participate in Beta, but now that the expansion is out everyone has the chance to participate in the discussion about Dragonriding.

  1. “You should just leave.”

I understand that this may be tempting to say because it can be a bummer when people dislike something you like. Maybe it’s even given in good faith to try and save someone who dislikes part of the game from having to do something they don’t like. However, WoW has never just been one system. There are many classes, systems, and things to do in WoW. PvP, PvE, Crafting, Collecting, Transmog, Lore, Pet Battles, Exploration, Friends. If someone doesn’t like a single aspect, there are still reasons they may want to play the game. Wanting the option to keep BC Flying does not preclude me from enjoying other aspects of WoW.

  1. “Blizz said they will add BC Flying to the Dragon Isles later. Why bring this up?”

There have been discussions in the forums where people expressed the desire for Blizz to phase out BC flying entirely. I still enjoy BC Flying, and do not want it to be phased out. I hope by providing my reasons for preferring BC Flying over Dragonriding, I can present an argument to preserve its place in the game for future expansions.

  1. “You get Day 1 Flying! Why are you complaining?”

BC Flying and Dragonriding are two separate mechanics. It isn’t bad to acknowledge that they are different. I would have preferred to have Day 1 BC Flying, which is a very different thing.

  1. “But I like Dragonriding.”

I’m happy for you! I don’t want Dragonriding to go away. I want BC Flying to live alongside it so that people can choose to do one or the other, depending on their personal preference.

  1. “Dragonriding is better when you fully upgrade it.”

This may be true, but it does not address the fact that the fundamental mechanic of Dragonriding isn’t what I want to do. I understand it can be made easier, and that might be helpful for some people, but I personally don’t enjoy Dragonriding. If you are having fun, that’s great! I personally am not, and it’s okay that we have different preferences.

  1. “Dragonriding is more Interactive than BC Flying.”

Some people enjoy it when there is more mechanical complexity to games. If that is something you value when gaming, that is perfectly understandable and I wish you happiness. Personally, I am not looking for mechanical complexity in this specific aspect of the game. I prefer it when I can move from one place to the next without the additional input added by Dragonriding. Yes, that means I enjoy “noclip swimming through the air on autorun.” I am not interested in it being any more than that.

  1. “Dragonriding is more Realistic/Immersive than BC Flying.”

The requirements for someone to feel a game is immersive are not the same for everyone. I enjoy my visible, unapologetic UI. That doesn’t lower my enjoyment of the game. I don’t particularly need things to be realistic to enjoy them. It doesn’t bother me that hovering in place is unrealistic because it is convenient and that gives me more enjoyment.

  1. “Dragonriding is Faster than BC Flying.”

This is a tempting bonus, but it does not outweigh the benefits of BC Flying for me. I would rather go slower using my preferred method of transportation than go faster using a system I don’t enjoy.

  1. “BC Flying has no stakes/danger/chance of failure.”

This is true! It is also something I find to be positive. I do not want there to be stakes for me traveling somewhere. I don’t particularly enjoy platforming or momentum gameplay, and feel frustrated when I can’t go someplace because of a mistake. In my opinion that is not a challenge to overcome but a hindrance to my actual goal- arriving at my destination. It is frustrating instead of rewarding for me. I enjoy being able to fly over danger because if I wanted to be in that fight I would land and fight. A lot of my time spent in pre-pathfinder zones is just running past mobs I don’t feel like killing and occasionally getting knocked off my mount. It’s not something I enjoy doing. The danger in traveling does not enhance my experience. Traveling freely does.

  1. “BC Flying is Boring.”

I enjoy BC Flying, but it’s okay that you dislike it. For me, I enjoy exploring freely and being able to take in the design of the world around me without interruption or worry. This may be boring to you, but it is enjoyable for me.

  1. “BC Flying might as well be a loading screen.”

I respectfully disagree. During a loading screen, I don’t get to view the scenery. There is no way for me to pause a loading screen to gather materials. There are plenty of things to see and interact with in game that you do not get to see or interact with in a loading screen.

  1. “Why not use a FP?”

FPs only go to predetermined locations, and you are not able to pause to look at something, completely change your destination mid-flight, or cancel your flight immediately without having to land at a flight master. It does not allow for free exploration, though they do tend to have a cinematic quality that I enjoy. I will likely be using them a fair bit until BC flying is added.

  1. “Why not use a ground mount?”

I have been using my ground mount for the most part. There are some locations that are significantly less convenient to reach while on the ground mount, however. It would be much more preferable to me if I were able to use BC Flying to reach places. I have mostly been using Dragonriding as a momentary jump boost to reach places, but I don’t find this ideal.

  1. “Why not use the feature to fly along with someone?”

I would have to be reliant on someone else’s pace and gameplay style. I enjoy solo questing and exploring at my own pace. I don’t want to slow someone down or feel like I’m being rushed. Sometimes I just want to put on a podcast and grind by myself. This could be a temporary solution in some circumstances, but is not perfect for every situation.

  1. “Games without risk are boring/trash/worthless/for idiot babies/etc.”

This may be something you feel strongly about, and that’s okay. You prefer games with more mechanical input and challenge. I am not always looking for that. Sometimes I just want a chill time. WoW has always had ways to accommodate a more chill time. Heck, I remember coming from Everquest and marveling at how user friendly WoW was in comparison! Difficulty and challenge do not always equate to a better experience for me. People can play games for reasons other than challenge. That may be a strange concept for you, but it’s all a matter of preference and does not mean someone is wrong or lesser for it.

  1. “You’re just bad” or “You aren’t playing the game right.”

It is possible to both be completely capable of doing something and still disliking that thing. I don’t find enjoyment in Dragonriding, and that’s okay. Just because I am not enjoying something you are doesn’t mean either of us are right or wrong. Fun and preference are subjective.

  1. “This will negatively affect me” or “This will negatively affect your party members.”

I do not want to take Dragonriding away from people who enjoy it. In the event that it is necessary, I will either fly along with someone or reluctantly participate in order to keep up with my party. I would much rather play solo than to spoil others’ fun by slowing them down. I likely will only play with friend or people who I know will not be negatively impacted unless absolutely necessary.

  1. “Git Gud.”

I wanted to address this comment separately because I feel it serves a special purpose. This comment is often a meme comment whose only purpose is to try and discredit and dismiss the argument. It is used to shut down discussion rather than engage with it. If you do mean it in good faith, then see number 17 for my thoughts.

  1. “You’re just Lazy.”

This is a bit of an interesting comment. It implies that someone is at fault if they don’t enjoy doing something. I think it is very reasonable to not put too much time or effort into something that you dislike doing. I am not being paid to use Dragonriding. Even if it were an objective fact that it is fun, the only person I would be hurting is myself by not doing it.

  1. “Are you disabled/motion sick/physically unable to use Dragonriding?”

While Dragonriding is an important topic for those people, I am not. I also do not think it is necessary to have a disability to justify disliking something. It is not that I cannot physically do it, it is a matter of preference.

Part 3: TLDR;

People are entitled to like or dislike things. I dislike Dragonriding and enjoy BC Flying. I do not want to take Dragonriding away from those who enjoy it. I have many reasons for my preference which are explained in further detail in “Part 2.” You can browse the numbered sections for relevant info. The purpose of this thread is to discuss this issue and the pros/cons of Dragonriding as non-judgmentally as possible.





I will admit this gave me a chuckle lol wp

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The world doesn’t revolve around you, adapt or go play Minecraft.


I understand where you’re coming from with this. You’re right, ultimately it is not my decision what makes it into the game. But it doesn’t hurt to have the conversation of the pros/cons or show a different viewpoint, does it?

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I agree that dragon riding can and should live along with BC flying, the only thing that I don’t agree is the fact that I can’t advance in my starter campaign anymore because its mandatory to do the dragon riding quests. I embraced the new expansion with a lot of enthusiasm but I’m no longer enjoying the game because I’m tired of repeating the DR quests over and over again and failing at the rings race.


I agree. To have both ingame at same time would work for me. That’d be great.

That would make me so happy.


i ain’t reading all that
i’m happ for u tho
or sorry that happened

dragonflying is the best thing added to the game in like 3 expansions


they should just let us have both. if your so worried about reg flying cheesing the unlockables just make reg flyer mounts auto dismount near the thingys (edit to add) or even auto teleport reg flyer people to the ground(to prevent paracutting to it) so they cant get to them. letting us have both will see where the actual player base really stands and not just the forum community

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I’m fairly forgiving with introductory quests. There are those command table quests that have a 1 minute timer or something and that isn’t too much of a hassle to do. I also have only been leveling my main right now and haven’t had to do those quests more than once, so my opinion might change later. I’m sorry it’s been a negative experience for you. Maybe in the future there can be a questline skip like there was for Shadowlands?

Do we really need yet another thread of this?

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I was mainly concerned that the other threads were muddled and somewhat hostile. Many of the objections and feelings on the topic were lost somewhere down the thread. I figured it would make it easier to compile and express reasoning the way I formatted it.


I think they are going to exist together eventually OP. Though this expansion is centered around dragonflight as a new feature. I personally love it. I find it way more engaging, and I also understand that’s not everyone’s jam. I don’t think they’ll ever be created equal when existing side by side though, because dragonflying will probably always have an edge on BC flying.

No, but I seriously doubt that Blizzard will keep more than one flying system within the game for more than this expansion. So it will end up boiling down to an us vs them. Blizzard once again will become the genesis of toxicity that they say they are against.


Me like go fast

Me like ride dagron

An edge in the speed department, certainly! I appreciate your open attitude toward this, too. I think that, speed aside, the simplicity and utility of BC flying gives it the edge for me. That makes it a fairly interesting subject as far as balance goes, I think.

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Two opposing opinions not clashing! I think we just created a black hole in the universe somewhere.

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if they do that here comes another WOD flying removal style ####storm. Personally I don’t think I could ever play this game again if everything were designed around dragon riding going forward. I’m one of the unfortunate people that gets motion sickness from it. So I have to hope for my side to “win” which is unfortunate cause I’d really rather they give both sides what they want.


That’s a worrying thought. I hope it doesn’t happen that way in all honesty. It would be much nicer to keep the dragons around for those who enjoy them. It would suck at the end of the expansion and make those players feel like they’re losing something big.

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The BC flying is superior for one of my mains, and my main way of earning gold… My druid and herbing. It is simple, straight forward… Like I told someone else I’ll save my overall judgement for once I have the ‘train your dragon’ system filled out. But realistically I don’t see it changing. Without dragon riding I can pretty much get anywhere within the game in 5-10 minutes max. Any zone, any expansion. Unless they give me point to point porting, I don’t really see a need for faster.