Disconnected at log in

I keep getting disconnected as soon as I try to log in. It says logging into system and then I’m disconnected.

My MSI laptop is only 3 months old. I’ve verified windows and geforce (which can’t see WoW right now) and the drivers are all up to date.

I’m stumped and really frustrated.

As a side note, I can log into HotS with no problem.

Can you post a winmtr report as described in the stickies?

Thanks for the response.

I went through all the stickies while I was waiting. I uninstalled the game and all my addons and then restarted my computer.

Reinstalled the game and it worked and then reinstalled my addons and it still works, so I don’t know what happened and how to prevent it from reoccurring.

I meant to come back and note that in this thread. My apologies. It took a few hours for me to work my way through it all. I’m not very computer savvy. Lol

Anyway, thank you for following up with me.

Luck you. I reinstalled the game and it’s still broken for me sadly :frowning:

I deleted the wow app on my phone and the problem went away, it didn’t start till I downloaded BFA. The day I started a recruit mission that you can track on your phone is the day all the disconnects started for me. After spending weeks refreshing deleting cookies I tried deleting the app. Been playing for days with no issues