Zakelwe, sorry for the delay in response, I wasn’t in the office the last couple of days. I have been reading everything you’ve typed as well. Sorry if it wasn’t very clear. I understand that WoW is not using the VPN. The main concern is that the WinMTR test is and oddly, it isn’t working even on the bypass list. We need the tests without the VPN connection route to accurately diagnose the issue. If it’s at all possible to try disabling the VPN completely and run the test, it’d be greatly appreciated!
The main reason why I called out the CG-NAT is because someone mentioned that they were getting frequent disconnections and disabling this seems to have helped for them. It’s odd and I also wouldn’t expect this to impact the connection itself, but it was a worthy callout just in case it may be similar Here’s the exact thread if you wanted to check out what they said.
Glad to hear it’s been pretty stable for 4 hours! Whenever you have the time, please include the new WinMTR test! Appreciate all the details that you have provided so far