Discipline and 9.0

Essentially, if this was all, then fine.
It still leaves disc, yet again, the broken healing spec.
Dont get me wrong, i love disc for questing, albeit somewhat tedious…what does that matter in the great scheme of things though?

It’s really not broken. Just needs a few fixes for M+. Just because you can’t play it well doesn’t mean it’s broken.

Play it well in what exactly, coz im talking mainly about pvp.

Yes, but this is a reliable heal outside of Shadow Mend though. I can’t really spam heal myself with Penance, and our bubbles don’t absorb for much anyway outside of Rapture. I like this option of being able to use Flash Heal.

I don’t believe this will be the case. Mainly because they pushed so hard for the idea of unpruning and bringing abilities back, not taking away abilities.

A bit, yeah. We definitely need to be buffed because we’re weak in PvP. Still, I don’t see how them adding these abilities is a bad thing though.

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I like Shadowmend, it’s a good healing spell that also applies atonement. However, I think having a direct healing option that doesn’t apply atonement could fit the kit in some situations, perhaps a situational spell but still useful for spot healing without burning through your mana (assuming the cost of the heal is lower since it doesn’t need to account for the value of applying atonement).

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