Disappointed with Paying for Early Access to the New Expansion

Why did I buy the Epic Edition of SL?
Or any collectors edition? They never included EA then.

Some of us do want the little stuff. Want to add in about EA, fine. Don’t lump everyone who bought the Epic Edition with people that only bought it because it included EA.


To be fair a select few people who keeps defending it brings up the extra stuff. Most people have a problem with just the EA. All the other stuff most of us don’t care about. So blame them that the topic shifts to that, instead of having an issue with the EA.

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Ive literally bought every one of these additions back to TBC. None of them gave early access but i still bought them.

These peoples logic is just flawed, and they refuse to see reason. Just ignore em and move on lol.


Than like I said, you would not care if they went back to old way without the EA. You would still be happy and everyone else.


Again your logic is asinine. Why would i want them to remove a free bonus?

You are just salty you cant get the edition, i get it.

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Why do you care that it exists?

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I also bought the physical edition which came with a statue. Should i give that back to your majesty?

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A few reasons.

  1. it abuses the mental state of wow players. It is good business mood but scummy as well. Because wow players are very addictive by nature and this is just for them more than anything else.

  2. A player driven ecom should never have a head start, even if they can’t craft bonus, they can still mass amount of gathering. So at the start of an expansion gathering, and crafting is at its best. That extra head start matters.

That is just two.


You can have a problem with EA all you want.

Thus why I replied to a specific person being disingenuous at best,

And not you.

I know, I just wanted to add to your comment. Sorry :slight_smile:

Can’t come up with an argument, so gaslight instead. Your usual MO. :rofl:


Besides which you really wanna talk about scummy ea bonus?

Look at the new NNCA. Like extra 80$ just for EA. Here its basically free. Not what i call scummy.

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Um, not a gas light at all. If you played wow for years, you understand that WOW has some of the most addictive players in gaming, at the cost of lives as well.

It is well known fact that wow community has been like that for years.

Yeah. It is. You’re claiming people are addicts and insecure, all because they don’t agree with you.


Seriously getting tired of the “I’m Jealous” threads. They really are getting tiresome.

Buying an expansion isn’t supporting a game through traditional means… Who woulda thunk it.



This is a lot of assumptions.
Basically everyone is a toddler incapable of self control.
I bought the epic for all the extra stuff, early access wasn’t one of them.

So people can’t sell herbs and ores for insane prices?

I don’t see this as a down side as crafting is locked.

So if we go back to this. Why do you have a problem that it exists? The majority seems happy. So you’d willingly take something away, that was essentially an extra thing DF didn’t have, because you disagree.

Your comment goes both ways. If you don’t like it. Don’t buy it or use it.


Um stating a fact about the wow community that is well known is not gas lighting. You should go look up the meaning of that word.

It is not about not agree with you, It is a simple truth that this EA is design for these players.

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The entire WoW community isn’t like this. And you only do this when people disagree and you have no argument.

Keep being ridiculous.


I mean, I know people who are upset about this EA stuff gives me hope.

It does not matter if you all are not addicted. There are people and it is well known about the addiction of wow for many many years. They are the target. If you are not that good for you.

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I don’t care why you got it. to be honest. My issue is the EA part nothing more.

Not just selling herbs, they can wait until things get unlock and power through, and for players who play the market and craft. It is a problem, you might not see it. That is fine.