Disabling XP Gains on 110+ Characters

Melee, in general, is pretty crazy.

But in terms of math, your secondary stats are still scaling with your levels. (If you played way back when, there was a time when lvl10 hunters could literally achieve 100% dodge. Since you’re not twinking out every level, your secondary stats usually stay the same. And as your level increases, the effectiveness of your secondary stats will scale to your level.

This has been the case for over a decade. Really, the issue here is mob scaling; not really twinking/EXP locking.

The original solution was a poor idea. I do hope they just make premade group EXP gained significantly lower while grouped with a EXP-locked toon (random groups are unaffected). Seems waaaay more fair. :slight_smile:


In short their logic is. Number of subs dropping doesn’t exist. It’s all time played so when they look at a player who got maxed in half the time that’s half time played they’ve lost.


I just wanted to keep my alt at 119 to do bg’s now and then while questing out some good artifact traits without it being a whole endgame thing.

My biggest issue is how they didn’t come up with anything like this to begin with.

How is their “best” effort and idea the first decision? How terrible do you have to be at your job to do that? How can you be SO far out of touch with your playerbase to arrive there? AND think “good job”…


Thank goodness you guys did this. Having someone turn off XP just to farm the crap out of azerite on Island Expeditions was insanely dumb to face against in battlegrounds…
This is a welcoming change. Thank you.

"What? People are abandoning BfA end content and playing twinks instead? Let’s break twinking 110+ so when they play their characters will level up. That way when they reach 120 they’ll gear up and spam high keystones and do mythic raiding and we’ll be back on target for our projections.

We’re not giving them any choice, so what could possibly go wrong?"


I got the game when it was new and I loved it then, still love it now. In fact I would be giving my sub money to them instead right now if my pc could run it, I should have a decent refund and be able to build a new pc in a few weeks.
So I will play swtor instead of wow, until flying returns, if it takes too long to return I probably won’t be back for a long time, I get so immersed in the game, the story lines are so amazing that not having raiding is ok.
When I am playing the game I start to have action movie dreams too, it’s so much fun.
Even without much of an endgame it’s still better than BFA.

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The fact that this was even considered as a response to this issue is beyond my ability to comprehend.


Follow the money.
The only issue that this caused is that people could level faster without paying for a level boost.


It’s going to happen. You all will see and rejoice for I am Steve! :clown_face:

Well this is a shame, as I remember doing PVP in that bracket and people were saying that it was the absolute best bracket to do PVP in…

Because acting on instinct and relying on your initial reaction usually is the correct response to everything. It’s when you over think that you over complicate things this make things worse than they were.


We get forced into leveling out so we make more alts to twink until they level out, so on and ao forth cause twinking in 119 is worth it!

I remember twinks in the 19-29 brackets doing exactly that with their BoA gear. Enchant it put it on character, enjoy the twinkdom, level it out, send the gear to a new character and delete the leveled out twink.

Only problem at 119 though is you will have to micro manage your runs with friends for optimal drops at 116-117 so you wreck face to 119 making sure to leave the bg before you won.

I would say not necessarily.

I think a lot of people would just stop playing rather than having to level up new characters to almost max level repeatedly. That would suck a lot of the fun out of the game.

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Or bringing an old trend to higher tiers. Never ending cycle of alts. Could be different races, classes, specs and factions each time. Not saying it wouldnt get old cause, well, look at end game. It got old pretty quick. Would most likely come across something else to do after that. /shrug

I do believe that making older content less appealing would more likely than not make players feel more inclined to participate in end game. A fair amount of people will leave but those people are half way out already.

It’s always nice to have a dedicated player base but not everyone is going to be WoW die hards forever. The game needs a welcoming touch to new or returning players. Something familiar enough they can get into with minimal grief and eventually catch up to everyone else. As things are now Blizzard/Activision are trying to get the most out of both worlds (the die hards and the new/returning) but the needs of one greatly differs from the other. Probably why they are falling so fast. They cant make up their minds. They should stick to which crowd to please and run with it.

On a side note, if gearing at 120 wasn’t such a crap show grind fest and the average ilvl wasn’t so much lower than the top end ilvl; end game PvP would be much more enjoyable. Twinking especially at 119 is such an easy process that it could possibly replace end game casual PvP player base. /shrug

TL;DR This post is all over the place. Make of it what you will :expressionless:

Just passed by an area with lvl 90 Camels murdering lvl 91 Hyena’s. Made me laugh and think of this.

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Haha strangely enough my wow sub is cancelled and im playing path of exile. 500 hours in and its great fun end game.


This seems to be what they’ve been doing for a decade.

I’m not sure how removing all the fun out of old content is going to make people decide they really want to do stuff they hate. When everything’s equally bad is when people leave in droves, not turn into obedient automatons willing to pay to play a game they have come to hate.

My boyfriend the shadow priest mythic raider quit because there was nothing really to do but raid. Now he says that the longer he is away from the game, the less he wants to have anything to do with it.

So push away people from playing the game for fun, and tell yourself you don’t need those people for anything. It might not have the result you think it ought to.


If twinks are shut off at 110, there goes your 119s.

Removing player options is never a good move. And this dev team has done plenty of that already.

The results?

The game is less populated than I have seen it in 14 years. Working as intended?


If they remove the 119 twinks i’ll leave wow for good.