That’s the spin, remember they will say anything to try and obfuscate the real reasons. I can name a dozen examples of this kind of dishonest communication by what is now a company wanting to earn money without doing the work.
When they merged non english speaking servers with North America to make money on a non-viable amount of players in the latin american region, the spin was: ‘now’s your chance to learn a new language!’ gimme a break, same with crz, we want to make the world have more players, that was spin, what it did do was reduce the amount of hardware they needed, reduced bandwidth costs, at the expense of server communities.
Can’t spit down my neck and tell me it’s raining blizz. You’ve lost any credibility with your customers long ago. You’ve also lost 100’s of millions in annual revenue, not many cyclical players returned. Now your stockholders have caught wind of the stench and you are losing both.
“The players” are extremely diverse. Many players, including myself, feel their original idea for resolving the issue was a bad idea. And within a couple hours, they decided against it and would consider a different option. If they are still going to change it, then so be it, I’d rather them create a solution that won’t negatively impact any players.
Also, I’m not an employee nor do I represent the company. Lol.
I literally posted “They need to improve on it.” And leveling is already a joke. It takes a few days of casually playing to reach 120 from 110.
The “power” you’re speaking of is about ~4 tiers from Legion to T0 BFA. This hasn’t changed in 13 years. You’ve always been comparatively weaker at the start of an expansion when compared to the final tier of the previous expansion.
Your post followed mine (and many folks don’t tag it with reply). If that’s not the case, then so be it.
I have not always been able to walk into an expansion with prepatch catchup gear and watch myself get progressively weaker while gaining levels and ilvl, though. The defenders can repeat this claptrap as much as they want, but the problem is a scaling issue.
When MoP dropped, I rolled a panda hunter, leveled to 85, and ran around Tol Barad murdering spiders for leather while I waited for a friend to catch up, so we could experience Pandaria together. Please be clear, I had not raided in Cata - I didn’t start raiding at all until WoD - so I didn’t have your “4 tiers” of power progression. I don’t even think I had any blue gear.
My friend catches up, we get through the Pandaria opening scenario, we walk outside of Paw’don Village and hit barrage. Immediately, three orc peons and a porcupine ate our faces, and we went, “Whoa! Pandaria 85s hit way harder than Cata 85s, we’d better go get some better gear.”
Contrast this to my boosted Horde monk this expansion, who walked into Zuldazar with 220 prepatch gear and 1 legendary and immediately started mowing down entire PACKS of mobs. Just like my Alliance monk, who entered the expansion with BiS legendaries, a fully leveled (if depowered) artifact weapon, and a combination of normal and heroic Antorus gear. Only as I leveled, my ability to pull mobs decreased, until I was literally blowing cooldowns if I pulled more than one mob at a time. And that crippling weakness lasted until I was over 340 ilvl.
Dang right I XP locked my Horde toon before she could go above 111! Who in their right mind WOULDN’T?
That scaling allows you to pick a different zone to work through. Out-leveling zones was a major complaint, and continues to be a major complaint for many, especially in TBC and WOTLK content (only recently was it address iirc).
As for leveling up but getting weaker. You just feel weaker. (It’s still an issue.) You are definitely doing more damage, have more health, etc. Scaling works against you here.
No stat squish had occurred yet. Makes sense to me. Hunter were really strong at the start of MOP too, i recall leveling being a joke for my alt. Stepping into MOP content with normal gear from cata, it felt like every other expac. It was designed for something with more gear.
Melee has it easy this expansion. I guarantee your experience will be different on a caster. It’s mostly due to how bursty they are. And WW Monk is very, very bursty.
My DK took about half as long to level as my Warlock.
Luckily, reaching 330 (where scaling makes no difference) was extremely easy, even before M+ was unlocked.
If they take away the fun of 110s, I am gone. I do not find 2hrs of a content a month doing the warfronts actually worth the cost of a sub. I don’t do active raids on a regular basis, and so many people have left my server that I am not making the amount it costs to buy a token each month with my AH sales. I am not paying cash for something I don’t find fun…
Yes, it does. Because while the raw numbers I see may be going up, the percentages clearly are not. If I’m doing 8% damage to a mob’s health and taking 10% to my health, am I really stronger than I was when I was doing 15% damage and taking 5% damage, even if the raw numbers look bigger? I’m going to argue that I am not, and it’s not just a feeling. It objectively takes longer to kill things as we level, because we are doing a smaller percentage of damage, even if the numbers on screen go up. That’s not growing stronger.
Why, yes, that is how stepping into new content should feel. It’s almost like that was my entire point! It shouldn’t feel like you’re a god who grows more feeble with every level gained.
I’m a brewmaster.
It doesn’t really matter how easy it is to get to 330 (and I’d say 340 is really where you start to feel like you may be getting stronger) if the trip from 110 to 120 feels like a downhill slide into mud.
Wow…apparently you’ve never heard of people who haven’t been through Legion yet and would like to run dungeons and don’t have a ton of people to run them with. Some of us stay capped at 110 so we CAN run dungeons through the dungeon finder! Remember who pays your bills, Blizzard. It is NOT the prima donna streamers out there. It’s the run-of-the-mill folks who play for stress relief and enjoyment!
And yes, this toon is above 110 because I forgot about the level cap ability before it was too late.
If Blizzard wants to maintain as many subs as possible then it would be a horrendous decision to kill off a whole twink bracket. I know that when I am bored of the main game I sometimes make twinks rather than taking a break, this would be the last straw to unsub for many.
I mean, Blizz can do what they want but cutting off alternative ways to play doesn’t seem wise at all.