Disable warband leveling boost?

My daughter wants to play the game with me, but I have at least 6 max level characters, so I get a decent exp boost due to my warband.

I don’t want to use heirlooms or special mounts when we play together, as I want to avoid leveling quicker than her, but I can’t find a way to disable the warband exp buff.

Do I need to create a new account?

There is a level down feature, make her the party leader then right click your portrait and an option to reduce your level comes up.

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You dont get extra xp anymore from BoA items,

That name yet says



You can turn if your xp gain in SW/Org cant remember exact location of the npcs but its where all the trainers are on SW and in the and the back area in Org in the biggest building.

It’s more about staying at a similar power level than actual level.

How so?

If I need to explain this to you, as a parent, I’m at a loss.



We’re not going to play Classic (hence the question about Warband exp boost), so she wouldn’t see this character, if that’s what you’re worried about.

I think you can just right click it off. It gets reapplied every time you log in and out. I’ll test it in a moment when I log in.

see if she likes it first. if she does get her her own account imo.

sharing the same account could be trouble down the road once she leaves home and is an adult. idk if i’d want to deal with that.

Can’t right-click it off, unfortunately.

She’s getting her own account, I was asking if I needed to create a new account for myself to avoid the warband exp buff.


Yeah, lame. I just tried. There should just be an npc to talk to. Kind of makes no sense.

You aren’t forbidden from touching yourself once you get married.


I just noticed this guys name lol

And that’s me out.

I’m not about to get myself a forum vacation because of this … whatever this is.

I had stupid/silly names when I first started playing 20 years ago when I was a dumb teen, thought it would be fun to do it again for Classic Anniversary.

Kind of regretting it a couple days in now…

You started this. I came here asking about the warband exp buff.

Wow. This thread did not go how I expected it would.


The problem with that is that I’ll be constantly running back and forth to try and stay at the same level range.