Except, this is a game, not real life.
Gadget… should rename yourself to Buzzkillington. Cause apparently you hate gadgets and love being a buzz kill.
That top-hat is expensive.
I do not enjoy Gnomes, i am not asking Blizzard to disable the race.
You don’t like toys, don’t use them.
You don’t like when people use them? Simply move to another location.
This is one toy that deserves to die in a raging fire. I specifically have Lil XT on my bars for easy summoning to destroy train sets.
Simply avoid to group with people that summon the train or turn off your sound FX.
They do it at the beginning of BGs. I kind of need my sound to play.
To cheer people up!
incoming toy police , no toys no fun thanks.
To break eardrums. That toy is evil. Hence Lil XT.
Try /train in-game!
just a picture of the blizzard logo would have sufficed.
Right, so punish everyone for the actions of a few people. Good call.
Reminds me of the knife set. I used to love carving up people in my raid team that screwed up and died, not to mention certain bosses like Garrosh. But then Helya came out and was unlootable if someone used the knife on her and instead of fixing the problem and making Helya uncarveable, or even making it only usable on players would have been acceptable, they decide to just disable the toy in instances across the board.
As long as we’re talking about fun toys for all around you, let’s all remember to use Meerah’s Jukebox every 10 minutes. Probably a good idea to use Lucille’s Sewing Needle on Gadget every 10 seconds too… there’s something about her. I think she might be a witch.