Dipping the toes in

So, I am a long time WoW player, and an even longer RPer, but I have never mixed the two together. I have RPed on other MMO’s, but for some reason it never happened with WoW… Yet?

To be frank, I have been on the fence all year about getting into WoW RPing but I really don’t know where to start aside from server shopping so to say. I’ve tried popping into a few and taking a look around, but doing that it’s always been quiet.
Of all the history I’ve heard behind servers, I figured this one was probably my best shot to find a community I could fall in with.

I would really like to get into the RP scene here, so I could use some honesty.
Is this the best place to start? What do I need to look into to get started?
I feel like I’m about to just take a plunge into the deep end, so I would like some idea of how to swim in these waters to prevent my proverbial drowning ^.^;


I think we’re a pretty good place to start, personally. Moon Guard is nice, too, but I kind of prefer the emphasis on individuality and consent we have on our server.

You don’t need much! An RP addon, like MRP or TotalRP, is good. Then just fill out a profile as much or as little as you prefer and go off and start RPing. Usually, I’d try going to a hub (Stormwind for Alliance, Orgrimmar/Silvermoon for Horde) and seeing who you see.

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Hey! Glad to hear you’re considering joining us. I’m sure you’d make a really great addition to the community.

Let me tell you my experience, rather than my opinion. I find that can give a more accurate idea of what to expect. So I joined this server back in… 2010? I think it was 2010. Maybe late 2009. Anyway, I’ve been here for a minute, is my point. I’ve been in multiple guilds, covering a wide array of themes and RP types. So, my opinion aside, this server has been full of more positive experiences than negative, for me. By a fairly wide margin. RP communities, like any, have drawbacks. They can attract some drama. Now, that being said, I’ve found WrA drama for the most part minimal and harmless, but I’m not going to invite you in with the promise that nothing bad will ever happen. Be aware that drama is a thing, but I’ve found most of it to be petty and largely harmless, if you’re willing to simply remove yourself from said drama.

Most actual “toxic” people are not really part of the community, but rather lurkers or people who roll here because RPers have a reputation for being easy targets for bullying. I think Wyrmies are pretty good at standing their ground though.

TL;DR- You can definitely find a good circle to run in here, if not multiple ones. And you’ll make friends fast, a lot of us are fairly outgoing. Albeit weird. If you want to know more about the server, or just are looking to start meeting people, I run a Discord for that exact purpose called Chamber of Heart. You can also feel free to add me on Bnet!

bnet tag: TheArchivist#11863

Discord Invite Link: discord.gg/KVRc8zR


Drama in the RP community is almost a given anywhere you go. I’m pretty sure that’s where most of my thick skin has came from, lol.

That being said, this is an extremely helpful insight. I’ll have to stop by the Discord later for a peek!

Thank you so much for this input.

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This statement makes me confident in saying you’re gonna do just fine here :+1:

Absolutely, always happy to help. Hope to see you in Discord and hopefully in-game sometime!

I made a guide that might help you out here:

Though you’re likely already familiar with a lot of the topics, having a more WoW-oriented perspective might be helpful.

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A lot of this I’m familiar with, but thank you for sharing it with me! You have a lot of good information for people new to the whole thing =D