< Dinos Daycare> Recruiting for TWW! | W/TH 8:30pm - 11:30pm EST


Welcome to < Dinos Daycare > :egg:!

We’re a small guild (9/9H) that’s looking for more like-minded people mostly interested in AOTC raiding (maybe a very casual dabble into Mythic if roster allows!) and M+! We’re always looking to add more M+ oriented people to join our small group! Our goal is to always get AOTC in every season and to do keys with guildies! Casual or Social people just interested in a home, are always welcome :dracthyr_heart:!!

Currently not raiding until TWW!

In need of the following (Raid):


  • Priest
  • Augvoker


Wednesday: 8:30PM - 11:30PM server time (EST).
Thursday: 8:30PM - 11:30PM server time (EST).

Raid Requirements:

  • Boss Mod
  • Be enchanted & gemmed before raid
  • Discord (even to just listen)

For more information please feel free to add me below:
Bnet: Dinogoesrawr#11896
Discord: dinogoesrawr

Still looking for more DPS! c:

Hello. Ran into your post as i’m in a search for new home. for my recent one going to TWW has disbanded to join a CE guild. which i’m not interested in. i’m 38 with a full time job and don’t have time for hardcore raiding. I’m currently 9/9H Dragonflight raids on my druid which im retiring at 521 itlvl and multiple keystone master achievement. and putting my time on my frost dk who sits at 498 atm. please let me know if you have a spot for me. have a great day.