< Dinos Daycare> AOTC guild LFM! | Fri/Sat 8:30pm - 11:30pm EST


Welcome to < Dinos Daycare > :egg:!

We’re a small guild (9/9H) that’s looking for more like-minded people mostly interested in AOTC raiding (maybe a very casual dabble into Mythic if roster allows!) and M+! We’re always looking to add more M+ oriented people to join our small group! Our goal is to always get AOTC in every season and to do keys with guildies! Casual or Social people just interested in a home, are always welcome :dracthyr_heart:!!

In need of the following (Raid):


  • All DPS will be considered!


Friday: 8:30PM - 11:30PM server time (EST).
Saturday: 8:30PM - 11:30PM server time (EST).

Need more information? Let’s talk! Add me below :3 :
Bnet: Dinogoesrawr#11896
Discord: dinogoesrawr

Still looking for more DPS! c:

Hello. Ran into your post as i’m in a search for new home. for my recent one going to TWW has disbanded to join a CE guild. which i’m not interested in. i’m 38 with a full time job and don’t have time for hardcore raiding. I’m currently 9/9H Dragonflight raids on my druid which im retiring at 521 itlvl and multiple keystone master achievement. and putting my time on my frost dk who sits at 498 atm. please let me know if you have a spot for me. have a great day.

We’re currently recruiting DPS!

Looking for more DPS!! :slight_smile:

Hello there!

I’m a returning player after a few years due to Life getting in the way but now I have time to play and would love to get back into raiding. I have a Sham at 587, A DK at 600, and a mage at 580. I enjoy playing all 3 so It’s not a big deal which one would be more useful for you.

I really enjoy doing group content like Raids and M+ and was hoping we could at least talk. My Bnet is RagnaBlood#1112. If you don’t feel like taking on a almost newbie at this point (been a few years lol) I understand. thank you for your time!

Sent you a friend request if you’re still open to talk! Sorry just saw the reply!

Looking for more DPS still! Will consider all dps!

Looking for a Mage and DH! But all other DPS will still be considered! Come join us for S2!

Hi hi! We’re still looking for Healers (1) and more DPS! Msg for more info!! c:

Still looking for more! Come join us!! :smiley:

Season is starting! Come join us! Looking for more DPS!

how many active players do u guys have ready for s2? and what toons are you looking for? i currently have a 615 feral/guardian druid. 605-606 Mist/Wind Monk. 600+ rogue.

Hello, we have a full roster, 18-19 people! Just looking for a few more raid ready people to join us for S2!

Looking for more c: join us for S2!

LFM! Come chat :purple_heart: