Welcome to < Dinos Daycare > !
We’re a small guild (9/9H) that’s looking for more like-minded people mostly interested in AOTC raiding (maybe a very casual dabble into Mythic if roster allows!) and M+! We’re always looking to add more M+ oriented people to join our small group! Our goal is to always get AOTC in every season and to do keys with guildies! Casual or Social people just interested in a home, are always welcome !!
Currently not raiding until TWW!
In need of the following (Raid):
- Priest
- Augvoker
Wednesday: 8:30PM - 11:30PM server time (EST).
Thursday: 8:30PM - 11:30PM server time (EST).
Raid Requirements:
- Boss Mod
- Be enchanted & gemmed before raid
- Discord (even to just listen)
For more information please feel free to add me below:
Bnet: Dinogoesrawr#11896
Discord: dinogoesrawr