Diggers Anonymous

My name is Soulerpower-Pale, and I have a digging problem.

I’m a working man with 2 toddlers. Last night I hit 1k digs, no staff, no sword. My wife is mad at me because I have ignored her once the kids are in bed to fill my digging habit. I keep going to bed later and later. This terrible habit has financially ruined me as I have spent all of my gold to fund this habit. Yesterday as I bought runes reality of what I’ve done hit me in the face when the warning that I had insufficient funds for my purchase. I don’t know what happened. I hate myself when I dig, it has required more and more alcohol to fuel my ability to perform, but I just can’t stop, every time I hit the button to solve a little bit of dopamine makes me happy, followed by crushing depression when it is some junk, or even worse, a rare from night elf or nerubian that some how I have less than 40 solves for but have most if not all of their rares and epics.

My name is Soulerpower, and I have a digging problem.


New to the shop:
3 Archeology Pulls - $5
10 Archeology Pulls - $10
10 Archeology Pulls + Guaranteed Epic level find - $25

Get yours today!


10/10 would pull that one till a sword popped…


10 Pulls should be $15
10 Pulls + Epic should be $99 (BEST VALUE!)

I am with you. Just qued my first epic in Nerubian with only 6 solves. Dwarf and troll are both above 100 solves and yet to get the epics I need. As well my Night Elf have only 34 solves and I have discovered everything. Orc are at 13 and everything is discovered. I am screwed on Troll and Dwarf.

People have already talked about buying pilots to dig for them which has probably costed more lol

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I have Narubian completely done with 13 total solves.

I had both Nerubian epic done in 6 solves too.

1000 troll solves with no sword, and 1909 total solves.

Really happy I got staff when I’m only playing my warrior in Cataclysm.

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To think you could have spent all that digging time working a real job that pays you. That’s what I do. When I actually play, I do the things I enjoy, not fly around digging in dirt for junk. Speaking of which (for whoever it may concern), I’m almost done with the old world. Still got to do the rest of BRD (detention block came up first), ST, and that might be it. Not sure about BRS. If it’s still at or close to 60, probably just dump it. Won’t be worried about a dungeon everyone skips.


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That explains all the 19s, and 40s on your logs. Drain isnt playing the same game as us…

Stop typing on the forums and get to working a REAL JOB AND GET PAID!!!

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As someone who also has a child, and grinded this years ago current…this system is not only botched, it’s outdated.

No one wants to come back to a past experience and have RNG play a factor in their raid experience.

Having done more than enough work to have the desired item they’re after and unable to acquire that is bs.

Your classic player base is primarily people who have done this current and want to come back to relive the BEST parts of it…not the worst.

You seem to be devoted to making changes and taking care of your E-sports/retail cash hog that you tend to forget that most of your veteran players who got WoW to be what it is today, are playing the game at a state when it wasn’t ruined.

Please take the Classic player base and Classic games a bit more serious please.

Sincerely, one of your former top world paladins.
