Difficult To Return

I think you have to unlock some 8.2 stuff. It starts with https://www.wowhead.com/quest=56044/send-the-fleet and then you get sent to talk to the crystal dwarf to unlock neck slots. After that you should be able to do the Wrathion questline.


Thank you very much!


Happy to help!

You didn’t mention essences, but you’ll pick some of those up with many of the starter quests for 8.2 and 8.3.

Some of the higher essence ranks take some effort or grinding, but once you get enough to fill the initial slots in your neck, you’ll be good to go to get started with some casual raiding. Just be sure to take a look at a fansite for recommendations on which ones would be best for your spec, same as with the azerite traits so you know which ones to use from what you get.

But I would not suggest getting obsessed with getting all the best ones for you or the highest ranks if you just want to have some casual fun.

/moo :cow:

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Not a raid or die stuff, you can’t do that for a few expansions now. If you find BFA ‘‘bs’’ and boring and just want to raid. You are in for a disappointment. You have to do things in the game other than raid or just pvp night and day.

You don’t need half the stuff you listed for NORMAL raiding. And it’s not just handed to you, you’ll need to get in there to get 'er done. The fact that you dislike it, is a different thing on it’s own.

Just don’t return if you don’t find it fun…

Gotta open up the kul tiras main bases and nazjatar. Then you can do black prince stuff.

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Forgot that Blizz made a blue post with a link to a guide to get your cloak, since apparently that is a problem so far with 8.3.

/moo :cow:

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Sorry was doing something. I’m back now.

So in order to start that quest for Visions of N’zoth, you’re going to want to first do the Rise of Azshara introduction quests, which you should get immediately after unlocking World Quests.

After unlocking Essences and Benthic gear, you can head over to the Great Seal and there you’ll find Valeera Sanguinar who will get you started.

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I mean you get the quests to open it the other island while leveling at 112, 24, etc. If you didn’t do them then it will take like thirty minutes now.

Yeah I feel ya. Hope you hang in there.

To be honest, I’m still not sure I understand, even after they posted a guide for it… LOL. But I stopped reading somewhere around step 45…

This is a very real problem. Have you not seen the flurry of blue posts, basically trying to provide information and promote awareness of this cloak thing?

It’s painstakingly tedious. Better off just waiting until shadowlands since bfa is almost over.

Protip: in the amount of time you’ve probably spent dithering and handwringing about it, you could have just played the game and been raiding at this point.

Don’t confuse GD/Reddit whining for truth about the actual game. Just play it.


Yes, because…

“Casual, normal raiding” requires only a fraction of all the things you’ve listed. Focus on the 8.3 quests and get your legendary cloak. Do a bit of 8.2 (Nazjatar) to fill in here and there with Benthic gear.

Ignore the majority of what people say you are “supposed” to be doing, and just play. You’ll find this game much more enjoyable if you stop trying to keep up with the Jones’s.

Heroic or Mythic raiding? Sure, you may have to min/max essences and obsess over BiS gear. But certainly not for “casual, normal” raiding.

I’ll just add here at the end that while we do have purchasable boosts to skip leveling up, there is no boost to be “raid-ready,” yeah? You are expected to put in a fair amount of effort before you can do end-game content, even at the lowest difficulty.

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There hasn’t been a time in the history of World of Warcraft where it’s been easier to jump in and catch-up, especially if you just want to casually raid normal or heroic.


Except it was about a bazillion times easier in Legion, when Argus dropped.

This character wasn’t played, until I boosted it with the BFA pre-order with my Hunter. Then my Hunter mailed it the oodles of Argus armor drops, then I more or less started on Argus.

Then the artifact weapon was really going up fast, got a BIS legendary from an emissary within 2 weeks, got the other BIS Legendary from a chest sitting on Argus, was getting amazing upgrade pieces by zoning into a greater invasion and doing “find custom group”-the name of the invasion or boss- within 15 seconds (with often a drop on the bonus roll, if not the regular), etc.

I don’t really see how it is “easier” now. In Legion I did the above on two alts, while in BFA my alts are pretty much in mothballs.

heh, I haven’t raided since MC40 man but I do remember farming for 20+ hours a week for mats for flasks… every damn week… the grinds are real!

I know things are different now, but part of raiding is preparing… and since raiding is the top tier of all content, I’d expect the most amount of prep.

Nobody checks or cares about any of this stuff for normal.

Its not that hard to keep up a 120 for end game content. Coming from someone who has been playing Classic… Yeah theres a lot worse. Retail is ez mode. (And by easy I mean time investment vs progression)

All you need is an appropriate ilvl for normal raiding. Nothing extra needed.