Different Factions, Different Servers?

No one here speaks for any entire community. In my opinion both factions are very splintered and full of factions that do not interact with each other, either on purpose or by random happenstance. Alliance has the numbers where that splitting doesn’t matter because there are so many people you can’t really tell unless you are plugged into that sort of thing. When Horde RP splinters and factionalizes you can just see it more noticeably because there are less people to hide behind.

As to why people are confrontational and hostile I would imagine it is because they are defensive about what you are implying and thus lashing back. It is the same anytime anyone talks about this topic in anyway on these forums and it will be like that the next time in comes up in a month.

It is a undeniable fact that people prefer random walkup city RP. Thus the large numbers you see of it in SW. We can all be elitist about it and judge people for it and what have you but that changes nothing about how it is the most popular type of RP. Horde simply does not have that as an option on Moon Guard due to a number of reasons some listed here by others and some implied by others here.

As for a sense of community? I don’t think there is an Alliance community or a Horde community. There are various groups, guilds, projects within each faction that are communities, but lets be real they all hate each other so there isn’t any real overarching faction community and working for one is a fool’s errand.


Well said.

As for hostile? As a whole, a lot of the long-term Horde rp players on the server are frequently subject to the ‘MG Horde is dead’ dismissal of the community. In the worse cases, depending on how the statement is presented, it can feel rudely dismissive of active groups and players if not outright exclusionary to the players on the receiving end of the statement.

Active RP hubs, and communities have to be built and it will take time for MG Horde to grow, but it is growing. However, those of us actively looking to build and grow the MG Horde community consistently struggle against the ‘MG Horde is dead’ being the primary message.

That said, it’s better for people to have server options. It is good to have different servers and places to go. If you want WRA RP, go to WRA for that RP. WRA is unto itself a valid space, and community, and has its own culture and rich history worth exploring. If you want MG Horde RP, help us build: the door is open.

On the topic of the forums - valid and already well known point. Which is why there is visible outreach regarding MG Horde RP on many discord communities, reddit, twitter, and even posted into MG Horde trade chat and general chats in game about rp.


Trust me when I say MG-H and WrA-H shouldn’t mix to hard. There would be a lot of fist-fighting in the streets, and not the zug-zug fun kind!


MG Horde is alive and well it’s just different please don’t put the two severs together. It’s just a super bad plan. You can still do cross faction rps if you want too with friends on different severs but putting them together is really bad.

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I’ve always done this, going back to 2005. Because you could have Horde and Alliance toons on the same RP server, I always chose to have my servers be faction specific, so the enemy was always just the enemy. It wasn’t like I’d e question and bump into “Frank’s” alt from the other faction.

The servers as is are organically changing and the reality is that with the coming of cross-faction guilds and increasing collaboration between the servers, that’s only going to increase as the RP population as a whole continues the progress of dropping the whole ‘WRA for Horde RP and MG for Alliance RP’.

Yes, yes. Both servers have different cultures or lack thereof in certain cases but reality is here before us. Regardless of what some may rail against, people will always see walk up RP as health and there’s absolutely no changing that aside from increasing visibility, encouraging people to RP in public and do work on more community events that encourages such walk up RP within the cities.

Yes, Orgrimmar sucks as a city but that’s the cards dealt with and pretending otherwise will not help, even WRA H deals with it and we shouldn’t be no different. Yes, MG H did not have much of a scene throughout the years of walk up RP but simply accepting it and just shrugging and saying “That’s the server culture” doesn’t change much in helping destroy that perception.

Those who are against a merger of the both have their own reasons, be they valid or not but the reality is always ever changing and sticking one’s head in the sand will not change that oncoming reality.

More and more people increasingly only want one server, and ignoring the prior reality of people with grudges, bad history on either server to pursue such an action.

MG has always been my home but one thing I’ve always noticed is the changing of the wind and change is what I hear and feel.

Only time will tell what it brings.


Be the change you want to see in the world.

If you want more walk up RP in Orgrimmar, then take the time to talk to someone and get something going. Someone else will no doubt want to join in and BOOM before you know it, you have a crowd.

I’m tired of people complaining that things are not what -they-want when they refuse to make any effort to assist the situation and expect everyone else to magically fix the problem for them.

I’ve watched our MG Horde diehards work their butts off with the population that we have and making the most of it. Indeed, what more can they do? And what thanks do they get for their courageous efforts?

Server imbalance issues cannot be fixed overnight. They are solved by constant, determined people that each do a little bit to help.

I mean…if the servers were connected, then they wouldn’t need to do anything. If people wanted to continue RP in their guilds and events, they totally could. In the meantime, there would be people hanging out in the cities whether or not anyone went to the effort to arrange it.

I think the biggest thing to dispel is the illusion that there’s such a thing as “server culture” and unique populations on each server. The people are the same. They move back and forth based on whim already. There is no overall community that is pure, and one that’s impure. There’s no one server combo zeitgeist where only hemmm is preferred and never hawwww, because each faction on each server is made up of individual people who all like and want different things. Sure, at some point some people might have somewhat self-sorted based on rumor and the generally accepted scuttlebutt that it was like this over here and like that over there, but over time people have largely discarded those attempts to stick to one category anyway as they moved around trying to find their people. I’ve heard the same things about both servers and both factions when it came to “THIS place is elitist but THAT place is chaotic. Over HERE are the GOOD people who ran from the BAD people over THERE”, only with the servers and factions flipped depending on where you were at the time.

Each server and each faction is made up of individual people who all have different preferences. They’re all the same people, and they already intermingle back and forth. Keeping everyone apart doesn’t help people find other people who like the same things. Chance encounters can spark so much story, if it’s possible for them to happen, and one week in the summer isn’t a long enough time to expose characters to new people when the world is weirdly devoid of the entire other faction the rest of the year.

I honestly don’t see the downside. Even if some guilds like to keep to themselves, they could keep doing that even if there were more people around in general? And every server project that I’ve ever seen is completely opt-in, if you run across one that doesn’t fit with your personal view of the game world and lore, nothing is making you recognize them. There’s like five guard guilds, three separate government projects and all different kinds of racial guilds for the same races, and somehow no one’s brain has caught on fire.

Anyway, it’s all just speculation, there are no actual server connections coming that as far as I know. I just think it’d be neat. More people, and more choices for RP, is always better in my book.


I’ve seen you in multiple posts like these getting incredibly defensive when people mention anything Moonguard Horde. You can stop now because you really need to be honest with the players that may potentially want to come here.

The fact is Horde RP is extremely smaller in comparison to Alliance and Moonguard’s Horde is the worse to go to unless you search very hard. You have two Horde sections spread out on WRA and MG which honestly needs to be merged. Hell, bring in the stranded from Emerald Dream while you’re at it. There isn’t a single person in Org on Moonguard so how are people suppose to find out how to RP? People go on here and search and be met with “Well we got events sometimes” or tell everyone to go on Discord but in Alliance it’s easy to just get up and start one in the game.

Merging, linking or whatever servers is fine. Names shouldn’t be an issue if they 1. Keep the server name linked to the person and 2. Get the TRP or some RP addon to make your own name but the fact is Horde RP is too small.

You are still very free to be close-knit with your friends or guild even if there’s suddenly hundred’s of people walking around Org. More people to RP and play with isn’t a bad thing, but telling players “Yeah we’re here” but no proof to show it, sucks. The close-knit stuff is fine, but you’re so close knit that you’re not even open to the public.

This is why MG Alliance has a more fun RP community despite it’s Goldshire stories, you can find all different types of RP here. You at least get to RP, you have to dig way too hard in Horde’s stance. That said, it’s so weird to be against more players to play with, Roleplayers at that…in a Roleplay game.


im relatively sure theres not much of a cultural difference between mg and wra since players on both tend to migrate back and forth, me being one of them

server merge would do us some good, but theyd probably need to bring the other cities up to the SW/ORG standard


The positives of a server merge greatly overwhelm the negatives (if any lol) so i really don’t see the issue

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Merge the last two decent RP servers and guess what you have…one server.

That means people have less options and when things don’t work out on one, well I guess then you just quit wow and play something else.

It’s no different from merging all the small RP guilds into a few big ones. Yes, you have more people. But guess what you lose? Diversity. Culture. Choices. Options. Intimacy. Uniqueness. The concept of being niche or specialised becomes impossible.

I guess if you think throwing your eggs all into one basket is a good solution, then cry for a server merge all you like.

When you mix all the colours together, all you get is brown.


I believe you mean
they should have stayed together on Failstrom

and forum pettiness
the usual

Agreeing with Auhgag on this.
Have played both servers. Have played MG since it dropped in Jan 2007 and remember the awful words slung from both sides when people left MG for WRA. Grudges were kept and to this day I still see remnants of that in game, Blizz forums and other platforms. If that blending could happen organically or in the future once all the Hatfields and McCoys have moved on that would be great but not quite yet.

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Unless you’re talking about people having a nuclear meltdown and burning all their bridges, I really don’t see much difference between going to a new server or faction on your current server and leaving your guild or current RP group and finding another one.

A server isn’t a monolithic thing. A server is a piece of hardware, it’s a place to stand around. A guild or a project is a defined group of people, but a server as a whole is made up of thousands of individuals. Everything is already one big group made up of a billion people who all have different preferences and tolerances. There’s no server that’s going to give you nothing but one unique type of experience, because it’s made up of individual people who are still part of the whole of the WoW RP community, who already drift around back and forth, who all like and play different things. Why increase the barriers to even encountering one another?

Honestly, though, I haven’t seen anyone talk about having a hard grudge against a server as a whole in ages. To use an olden-days term, for the most part these days, no1curr. At the end of the day though, two Thousand Aught Seven was fifteen years ago. If WrA were a person, it would be in high school. If there are any lingering holdouts who are even still playing the game regularly that can’t manage to get over old grudges to the point that they can tolerate occasionally seeing people around that they don’t talk to or interact with, maybe they’re better off playing on private servers.

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On a populated server, if “things don’t work out” you can just go to a different guild or community or whatever.

Unless you somehow detonated so badly an entire community of very different and sometimes unassociated people all managed to dislike you at once.

At that point yes you should probably change servers. Even more, you should probably stop playing. It takes a supremely horrible moment of your personal life to somehow manage to force an entire server to reject you. If this is something you’re worried about you’re either blowing it way out of proportion or you maybe shouldn’t play wow for your own health.


What do you mean by “if things don’t work out”?

I think a server visit system would be neat, similar to FFXIV’s world visit system; the only thing I would change is I would only allow realms of the same type to visit each other. Moon Guard and Wyrmrest are both RP-PvE.

If I wanted some quick walk-up RP, I could just hop over to WrA-H and hang out in Org. Goes both ways, so WrA-A could come hang out in Stormwind. We could go to each other’s server events without the hassel of needing and anchor.

I get the appeal of merging them and also respecting that each server does have its own culture. Moon Guard Horde does have guilds and communities, and some public events, but some people do prefer walk-up RP. Some people don’t like going to community-run events, and it can feel MORE alienating to show up to one, see people there, and not get RP.

The focus should be on getting players what they need, and that includes potentially fostering connections between the two servers.

I used to be on Moon Guard but moved to WRA but now back on Moon Guard lmao.

The reason was because of time zones of all things. I’m on the west coast and at the time, most MG guilds and events happened when I was still at work. It was also the norm back then to have weirdly strict attendance rules.

WRA worked out better for me because most guilds and public RP events was scheduled on PST time and I was home and could actually attend. I ended up having the most success making long term friends and finding communities on WRA vs MG and I attribute having things run on PST was a big factor in this. Can’t make friends or RP if everyone has logged off!!

So I prefer the option of having both, if we had only one mega server that ran on a timezone that didn’t work for me I’d miss out on a lot. I imagine a lot of people have similar constraints, some people might like MG because it’s more EST friendly and others prefer WRA for its PST times.

I also don’t really like the idea that one faction for each server. A healthy balance of both fractions leads to a more robust community.

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Usually the WoW tech and merger actions tend to consolidating and cleaning up server farms, which happen still here and there, though mostly on classic side. Feathermoon/Scarlet Crusade/etc have that shared connection thing going. It was another option for waning servers that wouldn’t cleanly merge, back in ze day when they didn’t have a ton of cool crossing features. With WrA and MG have healthy numbers, doubt a merger would occur. Just talking pop numbers, not rper numbers.

Thankfully they have added tools, with more on the way, to support crossing the gap that make up for merger/connection: tongues potions, party/raid cross-faction, anchoring systems cross-server, soon cross-faction guilds. Which ROCKs! It gives us all the power to define our rp destiny, make friends, visit servers, and share tales. Horde, Alliance, Argent, Valdrakken, Cenarion, Goblin Cartels, that crazy guy that plays a murloc ambassador…we all have that one guy. It gives all of us a chance to play together and develop a culture/stories/history.

And many incredible community developers have created addons to further build and share between groups for richer experiences. Not just rp profiles, but means of sharing rolls, chats, seeing raid markers, replacing markers with popup npc text, etc.

The beauty of rp in WoW is you can find it, build it, seek it all together through various and sundry avenues.

There’s a ton of opportunity in stories, rp, and venues. There’s not just one avenue for each group of folks, and anyone can get one started. Personally, I’ve been part of a ton of groups across all the many flavors of faction (there’s way more than two, and far more than just 1-2 options for each), and we all try to promote anchors. And so many incredible rpers and stories have come from just anchoring and inviting people across.

Perhaps we take these tools, share more, and encourage the flow of rp. Could be a city tour raid group that offer anchors cross-server/faction. And anchor teams for events, offering a discord channel to ping for invites and/or info in event/campaign posts.

Though a server visiting feature like FF14 would be cool. Who knows! They have tools in place that may get us there through the sharding/phasing systems.


Sometimes people just want a change and it has nothing to do with negativity or a negative event.

I always played on both servers but mostly on WrA. In SL, some friends were playing here and asked me (and a few others) to jump over. Shortly after that, many in that guild left for FFXIV. I stayed because maining here was a bit of a change and added a touch of excitement. Nothing extreme, yet I’m unsure I would have kept playing otherwise.

Sometimes “things not working out” is internal and just relates to some sort of listlessness that a change – even if it’s subtle – nudges people out of.