Reading this post, I am a touch confused am not certain how much more MG Horde can do to be more ‘visible’. The most frequent issue I see is that people come to MG Horde, knowing mostly MG Alliance and are disappointed when they discover Org and Silvermoon are NOT the same RP hub as Stormwind. The reality is the Horde lacks a well-polished capital city to hang out in, and rp - and so we often prefer to use the world.
A quick scroll through the server forums shows active recruitment of MG Horde RP guilds. Additionally, The Horde Vanguard was recently founded by the IC RP Horde community to foster and support MG Horde faction rp. I personally post screenshots of active Horde rp events on these forums, and in reddit. There is visible promotion of rp events, and more. The same can be said for discord and reddit activity. My guild alone hosts 2 weekly cross-faction rp events, takes part in Conquest, and hosts rp-pvp cross faction. We also founded the cross-faction community the Eternal Court of Lordaeron.
With the kind support and help of the MG RP community, Dance Of The Dead is possible as a large-scale cross-faction story and event. Due to cross-faction support, this year had 10+ million gold in prizes, and on each night 5+ raids of cross-faction rpers. Blizzard voice actors attended the event to do meet-and-greet sessions with fans. Even WoWHead and Blizzard took notice of this years event.
In 2022, I can think of 15+ crossfaction rp-pvp events that I helped and organized to foster crossfaction interconnectivity in which the Horde and Alliance faced each other down in different manners.
The question I am often left with, how much more is the Horde RP community expected to do to seen as active and worth supporting?
Either way, I gotta go grab my trusty fishing pole and get ready for some casual rp this week. See you at the fishing social. Below are some posted that might be helpful to folks.