Did we forget to turn on world bosses?

Be advised that Kazzak and Doomwalker are not expected to spawn in Outland for the first time until after June 14, and they’re on their own randomized spawn schedules after they’re killed the first time.

World bosses have yet to spawn either yesterday or after reset today. The Blizzard post seems to indicate that they will spawn at some reset and then be on their “random” (not really so random) schedule after the fact. So, I ask…did we forget to turn them on?

They’ll probably respawn after reset, which is in 5 min.

We thought that as well…they did not. :frowning:

TBF, it’s not like they spawn WBs on a set schedule, they have a range they can spawn at.

They didn’t say they would be spawning right at raid reset.

There are a lot of mobs that have a spawn window they can spawn in rather than a set time. I imagine they will spawn randomly within another day or so.

Right, normally, I’d just expect the typical spawn window that those that follow world bosses know. But the wording in their announcement made it seem like it would be akin to how Kazzak/Azzy spawned the first time or how the green dragons were released. Then after that, they would be on their own randomized spawn schedule.

Well, they could have thought they were going to do it that way, and then decided to just random spawn it.

Just like about the LFG tool, they haven’t been super communicative about anything lately.

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