Did they *Really* Need to Add the Tortollans to Nazjatar -And- Mechagon?

Definitely, but, that said, there’d be nothing wrong with them if there were “Turtle Soup” world quests.

And we should all be shape-shifted into the armored claw crabs for the raid. Hordes of juvenile turtles for the trash and a rotating boss like scrollsage NOLA or the collector guy.

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Either i got better or it was fixed. It used to be that if you deviated a nanometer, you did it wrong.

A lot of the tortollans seem to have purple eyes and a purple aura glowing off them.

Seems fishy. Void fishy.

They serve N’zoth.

I heard this post.


Look I’m just saying Torollan + panda = ninja turtles = new race…let’s go


Is it only me…who intentionally lets those new born turtles get killed in the hands of crabs and birds?

I never trust a race with only ancient and baby varietals remaining.(add ellipsis for intensity)

They my boyz! (and girls?)

Sneak peak at expansion / 9.0 concept art…

Revenge of the Crabs

They start with -90% haste, 50000 armor, -50% move speed, but are perpetually in a rested area and start with enchanting master as base!