Did they purge Classic Characters?

Guys, a random person says he promises they have the data! You’re saved!

I’ve been told by GMs they do, in fact, purge characters from the system. They’re gone forever. No coming back. It’s not saved anywhere.

Now…Blizz lies. That’s true. And GMs probably don’t know the intricate workings of the company. Still, I’ll take their word over yours. But the biggest indicator to me is that they haven’t re-opened up cloning to allow players to pay to bring back those characters. This is Blizzard we’re talking about. If they can monetize something, they will. Which tells me it’s not a possibility anymore.


It’ll be back in Q4. Book mark this thread.

And if it isn’t will you admit you are wrong?

Yes I will. Will you?

If it comes back in the forth quarter I will 100%, but no doubt you will say the next first quarter for definite and not admit it.

Then say the second quarter, then the third, until the realms shut down.

nah. It’ll be fourth quarter.

They will say something like “Great news. We stumbled onto long thought gone clone data, and for the reduced cost of 15 dollars you can clone the 60 you thought gone forever!”.

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We’ll see.

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Why would they wait until December? It’s hard for me to imagine that demand for clones will be higher then than it is now.

They’ll announce Cata - and the found Clones :wink:

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I also have the ability to make unverified assertions. I counter you’re “they’ll re-release the clones when Classic cata comes out” with the following statement that I just made up:

Right before Christmas Blizzard will permaban the account of anyone who cried about clones on the forums.

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We all have, and that is partly the idea of these forums. Let people spout their unverified, unsolicited assumptions at one another. But in a civil manner, which is where you are found lacking.

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There is a word for passing off false information as if it is true. And just FYI, but most people don’t consider blatant lying to be a normal part of a civil and friendly debate.

The fact that you are crying about your toons that you had tons of time to clone are now gone indicates otherwise.

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You could just not reply to the guys thread if thats how you’re going to be lol. Hitting that report for trolling button friend.

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Get it once and for all: I played continuously, and I KEPT most of my toons (minus two) in Era.
I am not crying for myself, but trying to help those unlucky enough to not discover Blizz’s hidden away messages that they ended the cloning service.

cmon dude. it’s blizzard. pretty likely they will procrastinate until the last minute of Q4 in December. :expressionless:

Likely because the clone service was interfering with some other structure they had so they decided to close it. Likely something to do with the PvP or HC or even SOM additions coming in.

So they forced them all to WOTLK which IMO was silly. They should have forced them all to Era servers

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Way to miss the entire point.

I move just before Classic was released and no broadband internet was available until we got Starlink recently. I also have friends who played Vanilla and didn’t know they even made classic who won’t return because they cant get their original toons back.