Did the Ret damage buff happen?

spicy ya dig

grey actually

Spicy is good.

spicy is great

Some tacos with spicy salsa is bomb.

It’s like 5% damage increase to scale with the stamina increase lul

Who are you
Visions esque post

The armor nerf only applies to physical damage. Not spell damage.

And don’t get it twisted, rets are wrecking all ready… 70% of damage being final verdict over and over.

And seriously, they need to bring back the 50% damage done reduction when Divine shield is active. Or even better, give it the Netherwalk treatment where they can be immune to damage, but can’t deal any. Things like NW and DS are supposed to be actual “OH NO” buttons… Not burst window protection buttons

The armor nerf made ret squishier. Thats the issue. We dont know yet if holystrike is or not reduced and certainly it doesnt matter

You are crazy. 70% dsmage on fv lmao bro this is not bfa damage is distributed around boj and expurg judgement woa now.

Rets immunity gets removed and leaves you naked for full 30 seconds.

Again if you didnt preassure the ret to the point they get to use their divineshield as a trinket you already lost. Is that simple. Whenever I played my alts and I see ret I always tell everyone to go ret even more so if there is a priest shaman mage hunter dh warrior. Easiest kill target