Did some people not get the new mount?

Finally got mine! I love this Wandering Tree mount! It’s really very detailed and love the animations. :smiley:

And thus they set themselves up for this…as I said. Their own ineptness. They either
A) Have the capability but don’t do it
B) Don’t have the capability but said it would happen the way they said to sound better

Either way, over promised, under delivered, and created their own issue that people are right to get salty over.

took me 30 mins to get mine sad it won’t count to the Mount achievement.

The mount is terrible.
But free…so, whatevs.

If I have bought shadowlands twice do I get another mount too?

So, what is the procedure?

No mount
Did however get some random grey toenail type item in the mail, gee thanks!

I dont disagree.

it changed my mount count.

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I got mine
Also got my night fae mount which I like a lot better than the tree.

I received mine yesterday. At first I was wondering what was going on with the colours… I was like did they listen to the forums?? And it’s covered in ash?? :expressionless:

Then I wondered it if was camouflaging into the environment. (Was in Bastion at the time) Lastly I read the description and seen it’s suppose to change every season. So turns out it was snow instead. :sunglasses:

I didn’t know this was an added feature to it. (I also didn’t go looking for more information about it) I didn’t think that was a bad thing. Thanks for the mount again.

I got mine last night. I have noticed however that the mount isn’t showing up for any of my alts. Is this mount only for certain levels to use?

Nevermind. Embarrassing but I didn’t have all of the options checked on my alts, the mount is there.

no I’m talking about the Achievement Part for the collection part to where you get a new Mount when you hit 200 or 350 as for me I’m at 349 and when I got the Mount its still at 349.