Did NOT get prime gaming reward

I sucessfully linked both my blizzard/bnet account as well as prime gaming.

I did NOT get the helmet transmog in game. Yes I am 100% positive i connected it properly, and yes i hit claim reward.

I logged out, logged in. Restarted bnet… nothing

This is absurd, I spent money to get my reward and im not getting it :confused:

Well have you tried playing with you filters it mite take some time as well.

Yes, its not in my transmog.

Its been a few hours since I signed up for it.

I would also advise checking your filters, mine showed up relatively quickly, so I doubt there is much of a wait but that could be it. Check your helmet transmog, and maybe search for it directly, firelord.


All of my filters are fine. The transmog helm is not in my list of transmogs :confused: very frustrating considering i spent money to subscribe

To subscribe to what?

Prime gaming…

If it was a new account with prime you do get 30 days free. Could just take a bit to process. Make sure to change that to monthly billing, you do not have to pay for a whole year.

It looks like it’s part of your collection, Moki. I’m not sure why you can’t see it.

Have you tried resetting your User Interface yet? If it’s a UI issue returning your UI to default might help.


Its bnet bound right? Cause im on my mage and i dont see it

Just wanted to switch characters forgot to post on my mage, im the original poster

This may be a dumb question, but are you typing in ‘Jewel’ or just panning through your pages? Because I didn’t see it when I was digging through the pages of appearances, it did come up when I started typing in the name in the search box.

yeah, I had to actually type “firelord” in my search box to see it.

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Deleting my cache folder and config file fixed the issue for me

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Did someone say there wasn’t? QA and the Devs don’t collect Bug Reports on the CS forums, you’ll want to make a post on the Bug Reports forums for them to see it.


Its been fixed. Self solved. Hope this works for others. Deleting the cache alone didnt do it. Thats what I tried first. For some reason the config file in wtf deletion did it.

Hope this fix works for others. Blizz does seem to be aware of it though. Note about it at the bottom of the page

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I’m having the same issue. I linked the accounts & claimed the reward. Nothing is showing up.

edit. appearing now. I reset the UI.


I did that first still wasnt showing. If it you are reading this thread and it doesnt show for you delete you cache folder and config file I mentioned above

A proper UI reset includes deleting the cache, interface, and wtf folders as standard procedure. Deleting the cache folder and a config file in the wtf folder isn’t a full UI reset either. I mean, I am glad it worked for you, I’m just trying to keep things clear.

A UI reset is commonly mistaken with restarting the client, shutting off addons, or doing a /reloadui. All three of those are different from a UI reset, and none of them solves problems as effectively as a UI reset.


Mine showed up today. It won’t be at the top of the list either. Search for “Jewel”

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