Did I miss something or is the Warchief position cursed?

Make the intern Warchief.

Warchief this, warchief that. When do we get to talk about the time Bennedictus was the ruler of the Alliance for a hot minute?


Pandaria was not only Garrosh. It was the primary place he went mad with power absolutely but it’s important to remember alliance and horde both were exploiting the Pandaren. It was a key aspect of my Rogue’s backstory. In mists she ICly fought and killed both factions soldiers cause they were both doing shady crap to the people who had become like her family during her monk training.

And then Garrosh blew up the vale and she swore to dismantle the garrosh’mar horde once and for all.

And then he went evil in what was supposed to be a dramatic turn and even us Alliance mains were like “Oh no, not…that guy.”