Did bliz change the starting weapon in nazjatar ilvl?

I can understand why people are upset, me personally I’m angry because blizz let the 415 weapon run rampant, didn’t address it at all. Remember blizz, communication is what players said you’re bad at.


So apparently Blizzard needs to make an official post for every single drop, quest item, whatever that they change on the PTR.


Yes. Of course I’ve noticed that they’ve always had catch-up mechanics in the game. What I’m pointing out is that even 370 is a huge “catch up” for some of us. It is a catch up that also doesn’t completely kill the feeling of accomplishment for people who have completed some of the previous raid tiers this expansion.

I’m the player that would benefit most from better quest rewards, my gear is horrible. But, I don’t think quests that this trivial should be giving the same reward that previously required countless hours raiding to get.

I think they did it so the coming raid wasn’t going to be easier the ilvl for the quest is fine imho its more for future alts.

I have fresh 120s that do nothing but world content and they have better weapons than that after two weeks.


Yes. With a 370 weapon.

That’s great. If the very first quest gave me a 415 weapon, it would be nullifying your two weeks of effort. That wouldn’t be fair to you, so thank goodness they didn’t do it. I literally leveled to 120 and stopped playing because the game is too easy/boring now. I might have done a handful of world quests, not more than 6 hours.

Why not hold the 415 weapon until the end of the quest line? Then it would feel like something that was at least earned.

I don’t see it was nullifying anything - I really don’t how people can even think that about gear since it is always turning over.

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I feel way better now, that I got this 400 ilevel weapon:

From the 395 weapon emissary cache reward the other day.

I’d been wanting the weapon upgrade for so long, but kept getting the same “as good or better” slots I already had. So I was a bit sheepish of going into 8.2 with my 385 weapon, though I thought MAYBE we’d get a 415 (but that did sound too good to be true, really.)

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I would be fine with a benthic token weapon for a given spec that I could spend the next few months upgradig it towards 425

but it bugs the snot outta me that (no comms from bliz) the available sources all indicated a 415 weapon that gave me mistaken hope that I could turn an alt into a main and have fun

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they have been withholding weapons from world content all expansion long - up to the emissary a couple of days ago my rogue who hit 120 back in September still had a 370 dagger.

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In other words: gear is pointless because they give us too much of it. So… they made the right choice not giving a good item for the first trivial quest of 8.2. Glad we agree.

I mean, that’s pretty much what you’re saying.

Why should the most trivial content in the game give the most coveted upgrade in the game?! Please explain.

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Why shouldn’t it? It gives everything else and is probably more difficult than afking lfr.


I don’t agree with you at all.

That’s okay. You can pay for your raids yourself if you don’t want people who do world content helping pay for them.

I literally do not care because I hate this patch and once my game time is up I just won’t be paying them.

Of course you don’t appear to be even playing anyway - let me guess you just subbed to get a classic invite and troll the forum.


I’m not debating that. IMO LFR should give cosmetic only gear. Or, at best gear that is on par with heroic dungeons.

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Link a source not based off information collected from a Public (TEST) Realm

Never take anything on the PTR as solid proof.

Pay for my raids? I don’t understand what you mean by that. I don’t raid, period, so I don’t “pay” for anything. Is this some new thing I’m not aware of?

See, now that’s interesting. Why do you hate this patch? I’m actually really curious. Many people have been excited about the potential of this patch.

I hate it too (my PTR experience), but that was because I didn’t find it to be engaging. Everything felt just as trivial as it always had. I didn’t feel compelled to play because I was being given rewards that I didn’t earn and didn’t feel like I had anything interesting to work toward. Why do I want 430 gear? It would only make this already trivial game is even easier.

I don’t play this character, but I post on it because it is the one I’ve always posted on. I don’t want to “run away” from my words. You think I’m trolling because I’m engaging in a conversational debate with you? And, I resubbed so that I could try the PTR. I’ve already unsubbed again.

Thats neither here nor there atm. Fact is, game’s designed a certain way right now, and this change made 0 sense in the scope of current design.


What do you mean it’s neither here nor there? You were literally just using it as an argument for why world quests should give better gear.

Yes, the game is designed a certain way, and I think most of us agree that we don’t like the design. Many of us for different reasons.

The change of the quest reward weapon being changed from 415 to 370? Is that the change you are referring to?

People who don’t raid need progression too or else they just won’t pay blizzard. That should be simple enough for you to understand.

I don’t care if you don’t play that character or not, there is nothing in your armory that I can see that indicates you are actually playing BfA.