I get the phase shift now and then for the cc dodge aspect but i swear its overkill. We get more healing next patch anyway. Psyfiend legit is so squishy i dont get the point anymore
I suppose. I was thinking getting 3 stacks over the course of a void torrent would be a nice buff cuz it would update with more dmg each tick.
that makes sense. i know i get much more annoyed by phase shift as a clone dodge than i do as a response to 1 gcd of my damage
i have noticed psyfiend dying to an undotted surge yeah. maybe still has a niche for cross cc comps? i assume godcomp would really appreciate 50% ms on something like a warrior that would rather go priest than mage and struggles to do ranged damage
I hate psyfiend as a button generally. Just make it a DoT lol.
Not the most inspired idea but I just donât care for it.
i wonder if its enough to shift the game from away from the wizard meta.
Void torrent with it is whatever. I drop it completely becshse the damage scaling from the hastr with yogg and ghost build is disgusting vers fully channeling torrent.
Slendy, giving away all our secretsâŠ
So true and based. Jimmy out here speaking the truth even though everyone will hate it.
I mean sp is broken donât get me wrong. Its not because of their damage or cc tho. Its because of the desperate prayer cdr and 240k flash heals
huge flash heals are fine but 240k is a bit overboard
I did quit. I check in from time to time when Iâm bored. Might come back next season though. Iâll grab some honor gear from the vendor and have better gear than you guys that spent all season grinding
100% accurate
i objected to what i read as misinfo about what itâs strong at rn, not whatâs broken or what needs tuning
When I saw the 10.1.5 changes to mind spike and mind trauma, I forced myself to get used to playing with it so I can enjoy the one week of super OP haste stealing before they will come in with a bat. I sense a lot of rage comingâŠ
There is no world where you can convince me or any non-SP players that SP survivability isnât totally broken right now.
They need to nerf desperate prayer by 50% and make life swap effected by dampening like LoH is, then we can start having a conversation
Life swap affected by dampening would be a literal dumb change. Especially since its also only ever used once in a game. Just nerf the dp talent by 50 percent less cdr. Flas heal can take a 15 percent
Theyâd just have to do what Paladins already do with LoH and use it early in the match, the point is itâs too good now and needs to get nerfed. They can also just remove it from the class tree and put it in the Disc tree, problem solved.
Do you just want to be rewarded for sitting on a target all match?
I want to be able to kill an immortal target that only does more healing to itself and more damage to you via catharsis the more you damage it, yes.
LoH heals for a ton tho. switch just switches the HP and doesnât actually heal. well unless youre under 25% hp.
lol freaking kennie