Diablo Event

I actually had an issue of being phased/sharded when too many were around so I wonder why that didn’t happen to OP

If you play on full max settings and can manage over 20 fps during the gobby fights, then you have a very good computer.

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Full max and >100 FPS.

10700K + 32GB RAM + RTX3080 OC

Allow me to amend my earlier statement.


If you are on my specific realm in the specific gobby farming spots that I specifically am in at the specific times and moments that I very specifically am experiencing and are playing in a different time zone as I specifically am, and you play on full max settings and can manage over 20 fps during the gobby fights, then you have a very good computer.


should put down a rain of fire just before it spawns, aoe/instants are key

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The only solution is to upgrade your CPU. My 10700k works overtime when 200 ppl attack the treasure goblin. I just don’t think my previous CPU, a 4790, could take the strain well.

I have a really good computer and even it fires up every fan it owns to maximum when the goblin spawns. Never had it do that before.


Because you don’t have a fan curve and you actually let it run at stock settings?

You’ll burn up your components

Oh I was explaining why players jump to do it ASAP, it this case there’s some factors that’ll contribute to player participation until the last day.

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Even if it’s water cooled?

this is why you put a limiter. AMD Chill or w/e Nvidia control panel.

Holy fel

You’re letting it run stock settings while water cooling are you insane?

This is why people bring their computers to geek squad/pc shop and go “my computer broke why :(”

How are you not letting the water cool off you’re recycling hot liquid back in to your components

I just killed one, my first one, and got the charger, the hood/cloak, and some stam buff thing. I don’t want to be too hyped because I don’t know if its guaranteed or not. I got burned that way with the anniversary mount…

Is it just Valdrakken that spawns 5 treasure goblins?

Actually a fair argument. I didn’t realise there was rng involved. Didn’t check at all.

We can blame Blizzard for horrible event design.

It’s probably a lot to handle depending on one’s PC. Personally, I’ve had some fps drops, but that is to be expected. Otherwise I’ve been fine though. I haven’t missed one yet.

Doesn’t seem horrible at all to me. Turn on nameplates, macro your target, chase goblin around, profit.


I just checked out OPS computer not sure if this is a blizzards problem or OP’s computer issue but let the masses decide: the following is a picture of said gaming computer i was told to share.

I personally think its because he is using a sweat potato, should upgrade to the new RUSS-3T potato core processor.


ok that was a genuine laugh you got out of me bravo sir.

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