Diablo 4 reviewed bomb

He was aware of the systemic corruption beneath his feet and helped cover it up. Ybarra is a recent apointee and has nothing to do with anything that happened.

Firstly, this isn’t the Diablo Bore forums. Secondly, good; the Diablo franchise has been dying since III.

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That is your personal believes not mine.

Ya I don’t play Hardcore, but I can see how it can be a nightmare.


This is the WoW forums. That’s not really up to personal interpretation.

Tough. Go cope in the Diablo Bore forums. Oh, that’s right; you are the minority that still likes the franchise.

So you think you’re the majority when you have zero statistics and analytics to show for it.

You claim you’re the majority so proof your point by showing some numbers or charts.

Diablo franchise is still popular. No matter what you say it’s not gonna change that fact.

It sounds like everything that happened in D3 happened again in D4. That’s why I didn’t buy it. You got me the first time. And I had no idea why people rushed headlong into that honeypot a second time.

I’ll always have D2 though.

Well, the D4 S1 one patch was bad…but it definitely was no Real Money Auction House

The real money auction house was the worst thing to ever happened and compared to stuff like in Diablo 4 not so much to that level.

Mike Ybarra is the President, not the CEO. CEO of Blizzard title doesn’t exist anymore. Hasn’t since they forced Morhaime out. It’s only CEO of Activision-Blizzard, and that is Bobby Kotick.


… I don’t… mean to sound unpleasant here.

Group play is possible right now… But if let’s say your group is dealing with a world event, and suddenly two more folks appear and are also helping you clear those waves, stand on those panels, CC or wipe out the elites… is that really a problem?

Is just the existence of their characters/nameplates the problem?

Let me ask this. Does activision blizzard make the games like Diablo 4 or dragonflight (World of Warcraft) and do they make every little decisions in terms of game design and philosophy?

What does that have to do with you trying to say everyone involved in Blizzard’s crimes “are gone”?

Activision Blizzard is the publisher and Bobby is overall in charge of overseeing things. Financially things get approved through his office. The game development is handled by the lead dev on those projects.

So you think blizzard entertainment and those who works there are all considered a criminal? Okay. And yet the game developers on their social media accounts hasn’t spread any bad news lately. How does that work?

They got rid of about 30 people, but the board who did not act on complaints and Bobby who threatened the life of his own assistant are still there.


What does the board have to do with anything at blizzard entertainment over at Irvine California?



Try $70-100. I pass as well. But for a different reason.