DH or Monk main?

I know I want to main a tank in SL and have narrowed it down to DH or Monk. I really enjoy a mobile tank as opposed to the plate wearing type. I find warrior to be a bit… boring.

I cannot decide between those two for a tank. I’m looking at it from a purely fun point of view. I plan to mainly do m+, but if I hit 20’s I’ll be happy.

I have more fun on my DH; the leaps really keep me engaged, the glide is super useful, and the sigils are great. The monk isn’t bad… but I don’t feel I have quite as much utility. People would probably disagree since DH is thought of as such a simple class, but having played both Monk and DH I don’t find one to be more complex than the other.

The only real thing holding me back from saying heck with it, I’m for sure going DH is I’m worried there is something I don’t know.

How are they in Mythic 10’s? Enough utility to stay engaged?

There’s your answer


Yea, my only concern is I’m only doing low level stuff so far on the DH because I don’t have the gear. It’s fun at this level, but does it get frustrating later? Decent survivability?

Looks like case closed my friend

Yeah. They are worlds difference complexity. Ensuring that you get the maximum number of RSK and FoF while also NEVER capping your energy and NEVER repeating an ability is extraordinarily difficult.

Monk is one of those classes where you have no idea how to hard it is until you look at the dps meters and say “What the hell it’s 3/4 everyone elses” and have no idea why that’s occurring

Pretty sure our dear OP is looking at things from a tank perspective. Nothing in the post suggests he cares about WW monk

Yea, looking at it from a tank perspective. I have a 120 monk and have played a bit of WW, but mainly played it as MW/BM.

Ah. My bad. When people refer to DH being braindead they are speaking about Havoc. I dont think anyone has actually seen a vengeance DH before lol

I would check both of them on prepatch when it hits. Brewmaster has changed dramatically.

rogue or dk

He wants to tank. Do people not read stuff anymore before they reply?

I guess I’ll add to the discussion. Monk is most likely going to be the stronger tank, especially with stagger. DH isn’t terrible for tanking, they got some recent nerfs, but every tank should still be viable for +20’s and lower. If you are having more fun on DH go with DH. Plus havoc is looking to be going for haste/vers for stats in Shadowlands, so you can use the same set of gear as tanking.


sorry i skimmed to quickly.

yeah monk tank is just the broken tank to play if you can play it, as long as you understand stagger and your brews you are near unkillable, granted played wrong you are one of the squishiest tanks out there the rotation is easy but the skill cap is high, DH tank is looking like its in a very bad place right now, granted its such a fun tank to play, but expect a lot of discrimination from people thinking your spec should not be invited to content at lease until you find your own team/guild to run with or get you Raider .IO up high enough to make them consider you

It’s just a very atypical post (not misleading, we are just lazy brained).

WW and DH are very similar, but Brew and Veng really have nothing in common. It’s just kind of weird to be choosing between a Brew and Veng. One would expect someone to be comparing Blood and veng or Prot War vs Brew.

Additionally, no one talks about Veng being braindead rather it is directed towards Havoc.

If you have fun with it, by all means play a monk. Keep in mind, however, from a performance standpoint windwalker has under performed far more often than it has been competitive and the few times they were OP (end of legion) it was by accident, not design.

Brewmaster is just categorically better than Vengeance, except for maybe some niche damage mitigation.

Only really looking at tanking. Almost regret picking up vengeance. I thoroughly enjoy leaping around in the dungeon. However, I can see that my mitigation is poor and can see that being a problem later on. That mobility though…

If you are playing a tank you enjoy then you’re more likely to spend the time to improve your gameplay and optimize your gear which is far more impactful than the differences between the tanks themselves. Another thing to consider is that on forums like this the differences between classes are often exaggerated with hyperbole. Community perception works like this: if you’re not the best then you must be the worst.