DH looking for semi-hardcore guild

I’m putting together a guild for the main purpose of getting CE every tier possible we have a AOTC core with some light mythic experience looking to push into mythic taking things seriously we are looking for other people who are wanting to maximize their spec and get better/help others get better and have a place and group to do other content with our schedule days wise is Tues/Thurs and hours are 7-11 pm CST the time is tbd depending on the needs of the roster if we start an hour earlier or later once we have all 20ish people we have about ten rn and all the tanks are covered and all but one healer i believe so looking for dps mainly
We are on Emerald Dream Horde
Sounds like what you’re looking for
Disc:Patrickrick#5222 Bnet: ironfistt#1872